Alec of the Volturi Cameron Bright my personal opinion of him?

Silly_Twilight posted on Sep 07, 2009 at 10:58PM
I think Cameron Bright Is a great person. He has been In many roles and now Is In a huge role for New Moon, he is bound to be another huge success. I hope he becomes another huge Hollywood newcomer. He is a great actor and incredibly cute, I can't wait to see him In new Moon and the rest of the Twilight Saga Movies. ~!~!~!~!~~volturi~~~ . *~*
 I think Cameron Bright Is a great person. He has been In many roles and now Is In a huge role for New

Alec of the Volturi 2 balasa

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lebih dari setahun yang lalu mihaelatudorica said…
I think that Cameron is sweet,handsome,inteligent,kind,talented,al­way­s ready to help someone,he has such a beautiful smile and loughter and I like his movies very much.I'm so in love of him like crazy!I can not live without him,I can not consive my life without him.He make me feel so happy,he brings so much happines into my life.I love you,Cameron,very much!
lebih dari setahun yang lalu janarene422 said…
I think he is amazing...I am a sweetheart but only 18