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aladdin Which is your favourite scene from Aladdin?

116 fans picked:
A whole new world
Prince Ali
"One jump ahead"
"And your beard is so...twisted"
The ciuman
putri melati
Genie "Friend like me"
Happy Ending
On the marketplace
melati and aladdin
"It begins on a dark night"
"Just go jump off a balcony"
Bye,bye Prince Abubu
"I choose you,Aladdin"
Jafar and melati
"The most powerful sorcerer in the world"
Jafar the genie
aladdin and Abu in the prison
The cave of wonders
"I am not a prize to be won"
The snake
The lamp
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"Jafar anda vile betrayer"
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Aladdin's struggle
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The engagement
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 tiffany88 posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
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tiffany88 picked putri melati:
I love her garden and tiger:)
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adieee picked Prince Ali:
i love the song in this part, i always rewind it when i watch it over and over again, and i love the "your beard is so twisted" and a whole new world as well, i actually love the whole movie
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JosefS_girl24 picked "And your beard is so...twisted":
Sooo... Twisted. >:)
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Aladdin1997 picked Bye,bye Prince Abubu:
I don't know why I like it. I just do.
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Ksenya picked putri melati:
Jasmine Intro. I also like "Bye,bye Prince Abubu", "I am not a prize to be won" and of course main theme "A Whole New World".
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is67 picked putri melati:
she is my fav character from the movie
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sumay picked A whole new world:
I love this song.
The whole movie is fantastic.
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Vixie79 picked "The most powerful sorcerer in the world":
I love Jafar so much and he didn't look bad with those sultan robes either. hehe
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XxLostAngelxX picked Jafar and melati:
this scene used to scare me as a kid. Oh and the "twisted" scene as well. Jafar was just so creepy and border line perv
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Yuki_7 picked The ciuman:
It was a hard choice!
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moonagedaydream picked "And your beard is so...twisted":
I'm a big fan of most Disney heroine/villain pairings (Frollo/Esmeralda, Facilier/Tiana, Hades/Meg, Scar/Nala...), and Jafar/Jasmine is no exception! Purrrr....
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Schnusch picked The ciuman:
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Lisia picked A whole new world:
Mmm... Enchanting
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Mongoose09 picked Prince Ali:
hard to choose - don't really have a favourite as i like all/most of the scenes, but probably this one. it's just so upbeat and never fails to put me in a good mood.
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disneybeatles picked "The most powerful sorcerer in the world":
see the genie scene explains why i like return of jafar better in return of jafar Aladdin actually fights the genie
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Pyjamarama picked "It begins on a dark night":
This scene is tied to Ursula saying "Hurry Home!"
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2kn111 picked "It begins on a dark night":
The beginning makes me happy because I still get to watch all of the movie :)
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KingSimba4Ever9 picked "And your beard is so...twisted":
It's just so twisted!
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octopusness picked Prince Ali:
I m in love with this song
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alicepotter picked Genie "Friend like me":
Genie is my favourite character from Aladdin.
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