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aladdin Which is your favourite scene from Aladdin?
116 fans picked: |
A whole new world
Prince Ali
"One jump ahead"
"And your beard is so...twisted"
The ciuman
putri melati
Genie "Friend like me"
Happy Ending
On the marketplace
melati and aladdin
"It begins on a dark night"
"Just go jump off a balcony"
Bye,bye Prince Abubu
"I choose you,Aladdin"
Jafar and melati
"The most powerful sorcerer in the world"
Jafar the genie
aladdin and Abu in the prison
The cave of wonders
"I am not a prize to be won"
The snake
The lamp
"Jafar anda vile betrayer"
Aladdin's struggle
The engagement
Make your pick! | next poll >> |
The whole movie is fantastic.
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