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another artikel that sadly is not mine :(

(1)It takes him a while, but Red Tornado finally tracks the paint back to its source. It's been splattered all over the walls and corridors of the mountain, as if a whirlwind holding paint sets had blown through, which, now that he thinks about it, might be fairly accurate.

He follows the trajectories and quantities, keeping a running chart in his head, and deduces that it's all heading for the living room.

He opens the door, and Wally is running back and forth, painting broad strokes of yellow everywhere, while M'gann gets the high corners with green, using her telekinesis to control seven brushes at the same time.

He takes in Superboy, covered in various warna and ignoring it all in favor of carefully spreading red into a single corner, and he has a can of blue that used to be selanjutnya to him before Kaldur mencuri it. The team leader has a sponge, and is happily dabbling blue over the bottoms of the walls, creating a nice, ocean-like effect.

Everyone turns to look at him, which is the only reason he spots Artemis, hanging off a ladder held oleh Robin, about to dip her brush in Megan's green. Robin's got three cans of spray paint attached to his belt, and gives Red Tornado a speculative look.

He's not sure who initiated this acak painting session, but at least they put plastic over the floor and furniture. It looks like it might even come together in some cohesive whole, and he has the slight inclination to ask, but right now, he's lebih concerned about getting out of sight and out of mind before any of the team decide to see how Red Tornado would look as Green Tornado, Black Tornado, or, heaven forbid, pelangi Tornado.


(2)As an android, Red Tornado technically does not sleep. He goes through recharge cycles, though, because using his wind turbines really takes a lot out of him. Also, keeping track of six superteens is not the easiest thing in the world.

Recharge cycles aren't too long, taking 4.2 hours, though he can stretch them out to proper 'sleep' length, if he wants to. Mostly, though, he just plugs in in a niche atau corner, sets for fastest, and blanks out the world around him for a while. It's a wonderful break from his assigned duties.

So, when he's in the middle of his cycle, the very last thing he wants to hear is the br-r-r-ring! of a bicycle bell.

He keeps his eyes firmly off, and does not move.

"Can't catch us!" Robin's voice taunts, and he and Kid Flash laugh obnoxiously loudly.

"A speedster-powered bike is not a motorcycle!" Artemis calls, voice echoing down the hall.

Wind buffets him, and he sighs and does turn on his eyes, just in time to have Artemis use him as a pillar, launching sideways and up. Superboy tears past, Megan flying just behind him, and one of the boy's arms clips Red Tornado's chestplate.

He tries to take a step back to counteract the momentum, but he's stuck in recharge and can't move. So he resigns himself, and topples over backwards into the wall.

He begins the procedure to come out of the cycle, then runs an algorithmic analysis, and decides it's not worth it; chances are, they'll be back oleh before he's done.

"Sorry about that," a softer, lebih welcome voice says, and Kaldur appears in his line-of-sight. "Here, let me just-" and he sets Red Tornado up straight.

"Thank you," Red Tornado says. For half a second, he debates asking what's going on, but then a blur of Kid Flash warna topped with Robin's laughter blows back past them, and Artemis lands on Red Tornado's shoulder to bounce off again, and Kaldur braces him as Superboy and Megan pass him again.

"Sorry," Kaldur says again, and takes off after them.

Red Tornado calculates the probability of them coming back down this hall, decides he doesn't care, and shuts off his eyes again. Maybe tomorrow he'll add some stabilizer cuffs to his feet...


(3)He was walking down a hall. That's all he was doing, was walking. An innocent little stroll to the computer bank to download some new information.

So he really wasn't expecting to encounter resistance in the form of a handful of pillows upside his cranium.

He stops to better assess the situation. A mattress stands upright to his left, and two stacked longwise to his right, with red and blue flags, respectively. There seems to be no one in either, but that makes sense; in a battle where fortifications are available, seeking cover is the only reasonable choice.

Another bantal comes sailing towards him, and he takes a step back to avoid it. "For the cinta of tables!" yells Kid Flash, and a bombardment of small pillows rains down from the ceiling.

Red Tornado hurriedly turns around and starts back the way he came. As he sets to work finding an alternate route, he finds himself wishing they would confine their antics to the living room. He already knows better than to go in there anymore.


(4)"Uh, hi?" Megan says, and he stops in his tracks.

"Hello," he responds, regarding her gravely.

He waits, but nothing else is forthcoming. The girl twitches and looks around, so he says, "If you'll excuse me," and continues on.

"Wait!" she cries before he can finish another step. "No, wait, really, I wanted to ask anda about...about something, but I forgot! Silly me, so sorry, um..."

Suddenly, Wally is there as well, saying, "Yeah, she was gonna ask anda for help on her biochemistry homework!"

Megan nods, very quickly. "Yes! Help on homework!"

Red Tornado accesses his memory bank, and says, "You are not taking Biochemistry this quarter."

Her face falls, and she says, "Oh, yeah."

He regards the two in front of him, and decides he doesn't want to know.

"Goodbye," he says, and attempts to pindah on.

"Uh, no, really, RT, anda don't want to go in there," Wally says, back plastered to the door he was about to step through. "This hall is off limits today."

Apparently, this is why they tried to lie to him. He files that fact away, and then nods and turns around. Thumps come sounding through the walls, and someone yelling, "No!" very loudly. Something crashes. He looks over his shoulder, and Wally and Megan wince.

"It's just-" Wally starts, but Red Tornado just faces front and leaves before he can finish that sentence. He's never been sure how to act around teenagers, and doesn't want to get in the middle of anything.


(5)It's time for him to take inventory for his weekly report, so he dares to enter the dapur again. He sticks his head in and looks around first, but sees no one, and thus deems it aman, brankas to enter.

The hissing starts up when he's halfway through cataloging the pantry. At first, he attributes it to his armor letting out steam, atau any of the numerous automatic maintenance tasks his suit performs throughout the day.

It resolves into loud whispering about the time he moves on to the freezer. He dials down his hearing and ignores it for as long as is feasible, and finishes the refrigerator to the sounds of "I told anda Cat's buaian, cradle was a bad idea!" and "No, anda shut up!"

It takes him 8.3 detik to talk himself into looking over the back of the couch. Past data recommends against it, but his responsibilities as a live-in mentor means he has to make sure everything is fine.

So he does look over, and wishes he hadn't. Robin and Wally are...attached, for lack of a better word. There's a string looped around their wrists and fingers and the stem of Robin's sunglasses is caught, and somehow one of Wally's feet is in there, too.

The boys blink up at him, and he stares back.

"Hi," Wally says weakly.

He doesn't bother to speak, and instead just aboutfaces and leaves.

"No, wait!" he hears behind him. "Hey, at least give us some scissors! Please?"


And the one time he found out anyway

There are voices coming from the living room.

He really, really shouldn't look in.

Odds are, it's something strange and scary, and he really should not even glance in.

He does anyway.

But only because he heard a voice he didn't recognize, and it could be an intruder. That's the reason he looked in.


Turns out it isn't an intruder. It's Wally, standing on the coffee table, face screwed up and voice dropped an octave, talking in stilted sentences about how he's Batman, and criminals are just a superstitious, cowardly lot.

Megan and Artemis applaud, and Robin cracks up. Kaldur is trying to get Superboy to try, because supposedly, voice-changing is one of Superman's superpowers.

Wally cackles in a way that does not match Red Tornado's voice print for batman at all.

Everyone claps, and Wally bows. Robin and Kaldur manhandle Superboy onto the "stage", which he promptly crashes right through.

Since they obviously cannot do it right, Red Tornado thinks he may as well demonstrate. He accesses his voice modulator, sets it to "Batman", and says, "What's going on here?"

Everyone freezes, and Red Tornado most certainly is not amused.

Wally glances over his shoulder, fear morphing into shock giving way to laughter. "Oh, man, guys, RT's got us beat!"

Robin falls over, laughing his way onto Megan's lap, who's applauding along with Artemis. Wally wolf-whistles, Superboy cracks a smile, and Kaldur smiles and nods.

Red Tornado leans meneruskan, ke depan a few inches in what could almost be considered a bow, and then turns around and leaves, the sounds of cheering following him down the hall.
posted by Robin_Love
Name: Scott Southern
Powers: Flight, fire, extensive training in all forms of combat, mind control, claws.
History: Scott Southern is the mutant son of Warren Worthington and permen Southern. His father is the crime-fighting X-Men known as ArchAngel. Scott was born with wings and, when he was four, was taught how to fly. Scott used his wings to fly beside his father in times of trouble, despite his parents' wishes. When he turned eight, another strange power developed; fire. Scott had no way to control this power and was sent to Xavier. But he was kidnapped on the way oleh Mr. Sinister....
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posted by SilverWings13
Worth part IV

"Drop point A has landed," Aqualad reported through his ear-com.
"Copy," M'gaan berkata back,"advancing to drop point B." The clip lines retracted and I new without seeing it that the bioship was gone. I searched the blue sky through the leaves of the canopy, catching a glimpse of black swooping toward the west. I looked around myself to see the others already heading into the thick trees. I jogged to catch up.

Our troop was mostly silent as we tramped through the undergrowth. I trotted up to Aqualad, avoiding Artemis's glare.
"So," I said,"what's the plan?" He looked down at me (he's...
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posted by Robin_Love
Name: Rylan Touya
Alias: Spade
Occupation: Hero
Powers: Agility, acrobatics, ability to manipulate, trained in hand to hand-to-hand combat, flight, trained with a pair of Sais, jinx factor
History: Rylan Touya was born and raised in Japan. Both her parents were of German background, but Rylan's mom married a Japanese man after her husband died; Rylan was three. Rylan's new father was a scientist experimenting with all kinds formulas. When Rylan was five, she discovered her new father was trading and making deals with the villainous Poison Ivy. Rylan tried warning her mother, but was ignored. Three...
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posted by Robin_Love
“Robin! Robinrobinrobinrobinrobinrobin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
The masked hero ran into the training room where Wally was screaming his name from. The speedster was running around the room at a crazy speed. Becca stood in the center, trying to hit Wally with her magic. Robin flipped out of Wally's path and went up to Becca. He grabbed her hands and she turned her glare to him. Wally stopped running, but stayed a good distance from Becca.
“What's going on?” Robin asked.
“Your girlfriend is trying to kill me!!!!” Wally screamed.
“He mencuri my chocolate!” Becca yelled back.
Robin looked...
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posted by YJTTFAN
“When we take revenge against another, we lose some of our innocence”, that’s what they tell me. So I guess I lost all of my innocence. Oh well, I lost it early, might as well have gotten rid of it. See people throw acak kutipan everywhere, a lot of them don’t seem to apply to me.
“When anda get knocked down, pick yourself up and brush yourself off,” I pull the legs of the person who pushed me, bringing them down too.
“It takes 42 muscles to frown, 17 to smile, and 4 to meninju, pukulan the person,” And it only takes 4 lebih to snap their necks.
Catch my drift? Good.
My name is Agony
And this is my story.
posted by InfinityYJ
Just a little song fic. Song is Awake and Alive oleh Skillet. Uh, yeah... so enjoy... and stuff. Most of this is based off of like, baru saja dinding events, Delta/Toxic/Shawdowa and all that.

I'm at war with the world and they're
Trying to pull me into the dark

Fin screamed. All her focus was here, now. She couldn't leave the fight, she wouldn't leave Delta there to die. She had to stay, had to fight back, but it was all just sheer pain. She felt like she could be the greek titan Atlas, the sky and world, her world, rested entirely in her hands at this moment, and she couldn't handle it. The lights...
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posted by NekoTheif
8 days. That's how long since I got halaman awal from the hospital. Fighting for my life wasn't new. But it just reminded me of how I was. Who I was. atau so I thought. Shirley was evil. But she was smart. And that made it worse. She knew that I would go into shock that I would be lost in my own head when Gordon came to pertanyaan me. And now she was walking through the hari light. With only the care of what shoes she was going to wear.

And while she walked around happy with her handy work I struggled with my own mind. It was different. Kat was now oleh her side instead of mine jabbing me with intense pain...
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posted by TOTALIzzyluver
I'm menulis a new fanficion. I haven't exactly titled it. (i typed it on my ipod and on there i titled it eeeeee and i don't think it exactly....fits)
So there will be 4 new OCs and i know you're all probably sick of all thee insane-o ocs on this spot but anda people annoy me with your's so i'll annoy anda with mine...ahhaaa im totally kidding some of your ocs fasinate me

So basically these 4 characters have their own little hero team jig going down

Hero Name: Razor
Secret I.D: Lola Valten
Gender: Female
Powers/Abilities: Weaponary and combat expert.
Basically, Lola was born...
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posted by NekoTheif
Shirley and Zack and Panda Hero belong to BelovedRobin. I keep forgetting to mention this

It was well past midnight when I fell asleep. I had my head on Danny's chest. My tears leaking onto his cold chest. The bloody knives laying no lebih than 3 feet away.

So I slept on the ground. With a dead boy under my head.

When I woke up Danny wasn't there. I was truly alone now. Sighing I wiped the blood off the knives and set out again. I didn't bother hiding. I just walked and dragged my feet. Didn't care enough to do much else. Danny was dead. All because of me.

I kept moving despite my bodies rejection...
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posted by Robin_Love
Name: Zeth Parker
Hero Name: Loki
Occupation: Minor, sorcerer, vigilante
Base: other dimension; currently Earth
Powers: Magic, elements, hand-to-hand combat, staff
History: Zeth was raised in the streets as an orphan. He was taken in oleh a kindly gentleman. Zeth soon discovered that his new guardian was a warlock. Zeth had potential in the magic arts and was trained to control his ability. When he turned six, Zeth was a talented warlock and was able to control the elements. It was then that his guardian came to the conclusion that Zeth was a demigod and the son of Zeus, father of the gods. After...
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posted by Titaness

White bintang Lines, Southampton, England
06:47 BST, December 15, 1911

“Hey Jim!” I called out.

“Good Morning Miss Orname!” the worker called back.

I grinned widely and continued my walk through the construction yard. Up ahead was the crown jewel White bintang Lines had been working on: the Titanic. Unsinkable, the largest ship ever, and it was going to bring a lot of money to my dad and he could retire and pindah back to Scotland.

My name is Tiana Orname and this is one heck of a story of my life.
posted by InfinityYJ
Arctic, 8:04 p.m.

The Batjet slipped over the night sky, the only signs that it was there was the missing stars in their various places and a daging panggang, steak of blue light from the engine's trail. Nathan scanmed the ground, looking for any signs of life. He saw none, nothing. He groaned.
The jet suddenly lurched into a spiral as the storm began to intensify. Attempting to regain control, Nathan grasped the handles and pulled to the left, with no such luck. A huge crack suddenly appeared in the windsheild, then a dent in thewing, and it began to hail. Huge chunks of ice were practically akting as enemy...
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posted by Obscurity98
Sorry sometihng was wrong with the first post. and if u did have the cut off words prob;em i did, i am really sorry to make u read it agian, adn annoyed that my comp is mean!

Roy was steam and stomped over to Kaldur, who stood quickly. Still not letting Harley go. He had two things on his mind that very second, 10 what just happended to Harley adn will she be alright? 2)What will he do with ROY!?
"Love her! anda cant just say things like that Kal. I've been your freind a long time, but anda crossed a line." Wally spoke up suddenly,"yeah dude, Harley is his girlfreind." Kaldur was red to the face,"What...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
All I could think about was the past. Staring at my brothers body, it made it harder to forget. Fang making fart jokes at the school through our cages trying to make me laugh. Me jumping on the tempat tidur trying to wake Fang up, laughing when I "accidentally" kicked him where it counts, him shoving me off the tempat tidur and onto the floor I stood there the past drowning out the battle in the background. I felt hands on my shoulders, followed oleh shaking. 
"Nudge? Nudge c'mon! We've gotta go this place is gonna blow!" I didn't budge. Still lost in sea of emotions I choked down a sob as tears filled my eyes.

Yeah, yeah. I know it's short
posted by Robin_Love
I wrote this awhile yang lalu when I was feeling sad. But when I read it now, I think it's an awesome one-shot. So I hope anda enjoy!

Robin moved around in his room. He looked at all the pictures and charms he had. The ones that reminded him of her. Becca Stevens. His love. Fresh tears came to his eyes and new pain arose in his heart. He fingered the kalung she had always worn. The black choker with a charm; a blue bird with wings extended. She had always called it her NightWing. Had always berkata how it reminded her of him. Now it was a way of remembering her. Ever since they'd been diberikan the news....
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posted by Robin_Love
Red X Info

Name: Erin charlotte Mavis
Occupation:Hero; Minor; Time-traveler
Base:New York City
Powers:Super-speed, trained in combat, time “jumping”, expert with a sword atau battle staff
History:Erin was a trouble maker from the Earth of tahun 3024. She was banished back in time for her tomfoolery. She was taken oleh a Russian government official, training to be a living weapon. Her bones were bonded together oleh a liquid metal, making her virtually indestructible. Now known as X, Erin became a spy for Russia. She went many places, learning many secrets. Erin soon rebelled and was sentenced to death...
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posted by NekoTheif
 Thanks BelovedRobin
Thanks BelovedRobin
padang di kutub, tundra was not the nicest girl. In fact she was lebih likely to tear your throat then be your friend. And finally she hit the last straw ran away and lived in the forest. padang di kutub, tundra howled in joy as she bit into the flesh of the deer she just killed. For the past few weeks she had to catch rabbits and small forest animals.

Winter was in it's peak. 2 feet of snow was on the ground. With out rumput the deer and moose and elk had all moved out of the area. She would have to leave her territory to get them. Rabbits were hard to catch and a few nights she went to tempat tidur hungry. But finally a small deer herd...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Artemis and Willow ran through Gotham city in the night jumping from building to building. They were running at an incredible pace, " where exactlly are Lucas and Wally! " Willow yelled in a tired tone, " i dunno! the coms jammed! " Artemis said. Willow and Artemis stopped on a roof puncak, atas and hid behind a generator, Willow looked to the side peering to see if he was still coming. " I think we lost him.." Willow whispered catching her breath, " guess again..... Harm never quits a fight...." a boy berkata with long brown hair and a red scar over his one eye, Artemis and Willow gasped, Artemis had...
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posted by Robin_Love
Willow smiled.
“Wally, the wedding is fake.”
“It was all Becca's idea!”
Wally looked at the younger girl who wore a devious smirk.
“I wanted to test you. Willow knew better than to marry. But I wanted to see just how far Wally West was willing to go to get his girl back. Everyone here already knew. You're the only one who didn't. Now tell me. anda still cinta Willow with your whole heart?”
Wally looked at Willow. Her brown eyes, her brown hair. Her warm smile, her beautiful face. But he could also see inside. Her jantung of gold, her kindness. Her inner beauty. His throat clogged...
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posted by Skittles98
Sadly *sobs* not mine. This belongs to xyukiiix on

Wally smiled as he walked into the room. She was practicing again. It had been years since she'd picked up a bow, shot an arrow, but she never lost her touch.

They've been together for quite some years as well. It started out bumpy but no one can say it was surprising. They just clicked together like that. Like Yin and Yang. He loved her- snark, sarcasm and all. And she must have loved him if she was willing to put up with him and his antics.

He leaned against the dinding and watched her. Her posture never faltered, her concentration...
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