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posted by leslie1060
Name: Nick Fury
Nicknames: Patch
Age: Unknown (Presumed Mid 40s)
Eyes: Black (left missing)
Hair: Gray
Skin: White
Occupation: Black Ops Agent
Powers: None/Human
Affiliation: SHIELD
First Episode: Operation Rebirth
Must See Episodes: Operation Rebirth, hari of Recovery, X23, Target X, Uprising
Originally from: Unknown
Known Family: None
Romantic Interests: None
Fears: Breaches of national security
Voiced by: Jim Byrnes
Quote: "Whatever they're planning... we intend to be ready."
Agent Nick Fury is the director of the secret government agency of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate). He was assigned originally to lead the 'metahuman special ops', including such members as Weapon X, Warbird and Captain America. Trask also worked under him briefly, working on mutant containment measures and counter measures, but eventually severed his ties with SHIELD. Fury's main troubles include rogue mutants and organizations on par with SHIELD's capabilities, like Hydra.

When mutants became publicly known, Nick was ordered oleh the government not to get involved, but he disobeyed orders and indirectly assisted the X-Men and Brotherhood in freeing their comrades from Area 51, including his old friend Logan.

With the appearance of X23, who broke into one of the SHIELD's compounds and mencuri their data on the X-Men, Fury again broke the rules oleh allowing X23 to run rogue after Logan apprehended her and set her free at the Xavier Mansion. Though since she no longer was a Hydra operative, she was likely to be no further threat. X23 and Wolverine was also largely responsible for allowing SHIELD to capture most of those in Hydra, including Omega Red.

Fury, under orders, eventually released Trask into his custody so the scientist could continue working on his sentinel project. They wanted to be ready for whatever Apocalypse had planned for the world, but even the new Sentinels were no match for Apocalypse's horsemen, and thus Fury had to rely on the help of the X-Men and the mutant Leech to save the world.
added by leslie1060
added by leslie1060
posted by leslie1060
Name: Doctor Patronete
Age: Unknown (Presumed Late-30's)
Powers: None/Human
First Episode: Retreat
Must See Episodes: Retreat
Originally from: Unknown
Known Family: None
Voiced by: Unknown

Dr. Patronete is the scientist who first encountered Beast, believed then to be the legendary bigfoot, and the first to communicate with him. Upon realizing his mistake, he released Beast, hoping to one hari learn lebih about him and his students, the mutants. Beast promised that some hari he would.

Dr. Patronete was largely responsible for the convex polarity reversal cage that was able to hold Beast during his brief time in Patronete's and the other big footers custody.
added by leslie1060
posted by leslie1060
Name: Jamie Madrox
Age: 13
Powers: Can create temporary duplicates of himself
Affiliation: New Mutants
First Episode: Growing Pains
Must See Episodes: Joyride
Originally from: Unknown
Known Family: None
Voiced by: David A. Kaye

Jamie is the kid who is always last to get picked for the team, even though he could literally be his own team. His powers make him very nervous and (at this point in his life) are lebih trouble than they're worth. He's the youngest New Mutant and suffers from feeling too little to be important. Jamie tries to fit in with his peers oleh trying to be funny, but usually bombs.

Multiple's powers allow him to create duplicates of himself. He's also able to "recall" those duplicates at will. He does have trouble controlling his abilities and a simple bump atau jolt can result in several Jamies running around at once.
added by leslie1060
added by leslie1060
added by leslie1060
added by leslie1060
added by leslie1060
added by leslie1060
added by leslie1060
added by leslie1060
added by leslie1060
added by leslie1060
added by leslie1060
added by leslie1060
added by leslie1060
added by leslie1060
posted by leslie1060
Name: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Powers: Ability to turn into a large reptillian beast.
Affiliation: Morlocks
First Episode: X-treme Measures
Must See Episodes: X-Treme Measures
Originally from: Unknown
Known Family: None
Voiced by: Unknown

Very little is known about Scaleface, as she only made a brief appearance in X-Treme measures. As Berzerker came out of Torpid's paralysis, Scaleface tried to stop him from leaving.

Scaleface was able to morph from her regular human appearance into a large reptilian beast. She was also able to breath api as the beast.