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posted by zutaradragon
since she makes all her stuff, she makes it all a bit different then everyone elses. i figure i should provide a guide 2 all her stuff. so this is how this works. the 1st line is the name of what it is and the rest under it is the stuff about it.

Light Cycle: Beast
just as the name implies, running straight at it looks like some kind of beast with horns. however, when looking closer, the "Horns" r handle bars with silver snakes at the end near the tire and some other type of beast at the other end. the "Head" is a gagak outlined in red with eyes on the wings. it's made 2 look like the tire and the handle bars r connected but they're not. it's got hollow tires and, tho it looks bulky, it's actually lighter then almost all other light cycles. this makes it perfect 4 jumps and slow turns...not so much on the 90 degree turns. reason being is it ikan tails because most of the weight is at the front. 2 help with that, the kursi is set farther back then most and the back tire isn't truly hollow, meaning stuff runs thro it but doesn't affect speed. it has not 1 light, but 5. the main, central light is yellow. then a smaller, jeruk, orange 1 on either side of it and an even smaller red 1 on the outside edge. she can control how far apart they r spaced and they look like they fade in2 each other. the red is so thin it looks like it doesn't exist once it gets past about 5 feet from the back and, even then, it looks like the blur from going so fast. because of this she has a trick. she can turn each light on and off as she pleases and so she turns of the yellow and jeruk, orange lights, leaving the red on while someone is following her. the red lights trap the person there and then she simply turns on the other 2 lights. usually the other person doesn't even realize they're trapped until they try 2 pindah and get bounced back.

Light Cycle: Dragon
this dragon has 2 tails that can b controled so the lights also pindah with them. with smoke atau small flames coming from it's nose and lights that dance thro the hollowed tires, this isn't a machene 2 b taken lightly and, tho it looks back heavy the weight is perfectly distributed thro it. the wings of the dragon cover the legs so they r protected and so she can't b thrown off ez and the wings r adjustible so they can b lifted slightly so it hovers atau spread compleatly so it flies. the feet can either go on the toung atau the rod that the front hands hold, depending on how she feels most comfortable. the wings can b lifted 2 cover lebih of her body atau form a roof over it like the Flynn cycle. the twin tails come in rlly handy during flight cos they give better control. the back claws hold the back tire in place and it was made so the front tire is lots smaller because it gives lebih speed and looks rlly cool.

under construction. making one with heat seeking cos she can't aim

under construction. using a Light Scoop at the moment

ID Disc
she's got many tricks with this, one of her fav. weapons only selanjutnya 2 the bike. she's made it so it can transform in2 2 versions, both makan malam sharp. it can b light atau weighted. the light 1 is brighter and fairly simple. the weighted is mostly black with slightly raised points that raise higher and reach out farther the faster it goes. both r actually the same disc when not being used. a simple black disc with red, yellow, and jeruk, orange edging it. she made the disc compleatly different in several ways. 1 is that the dentral area taken out 2 lighten a disc...isn't central. it's off center oleh about 3 inches so 1 side is thinner then the other and so easier 2 catch. however, that throws the weight off and, there4, the balance. this is y she also took a peice out of it about an inch from the thicker edge. she didn't perfectly center that either because making it end slightly lebih 2 1 side makes it always spin faster going the way that she always throws it. it also makes it so she always catches it on the thinner end. she made her disc like Tron's in that it can be pulled apart in2 2 discs. however, this isn't her only trick. she's designed her sister's disc this same can be membagi, split in half so it's 2 semi-circles which form in2 swords. this is the dual use of the thicker side being membagi, split in 2 on hers. part of it comes down 2 form the straight part of the handle where u grip. (on her sister's the hand shield part is slightly thinner because part of it had 2 b able 2 pindah 4 the grip) light makes the blade and some mistakenly think that the red is the only part that will cause pain because it was made 2 look something like an inverted candle flame so the light flickers except the red part. however, that is not the case. in fact, the yellow (which flickers the most) usually causes the most damage because it's not easily seen. she can also make the lights into whips instread of swords (in which case the light is compleatly red) her other trick is something she just figured out. she can pull it apart in half 2 make 2 discs, then connect the 2 with light. using one as a handle, she whips the other around so the spikes will appere and stretch, then she can cause damage oleh hitting them. she could also make 2 of the same basic thing oleh splitting each of the 2 discs in2 semi-cirles

Head Band
still working on looks, but the idea is that it will turn in2 a ketopong, helm when 1 is needed

acts as something of a remote 2 all the stuff she's made but also is covered with alchemy markings. the right arm is 4 destruction, the left 4 reconstruction. in tyhe picture, the parts colored black r actually the 1s that glow warna and the parts not colored r black. the lingkaran on the bak of the hand folds on2 the palm and under it r gems that increase the power of the particular purpose. they also each have spark makers that r activated when needed but hidden from rain and stuff so she can use flame alchemy