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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Around the World! The plane got into a little struggle when we entered the Bermuda Triangle. We almost crashed s our challenge was the first one to touch the ground wins! Cole was the first one to touch the ground leaving Layla with out invincibility. Layla also showed Annie the confessional of Lia saying she DOES like Jordan and man was she mad. In the end, it was Layla taking the boot leaving Liza partying. Who will win? who will lose? Find out right now on Total Drama Around the World!

(theme song)

(first class)
(Liza, Annie, Cole, Rochelle, Amber, and Lance are partying when coklat kekuningan enters)
Liza: FAWN! gabung the party!
Fawn: What is this?
Liza: Now that Layla is gone, we're having a party. We have Laya cake. We have games like the Lay-ups. And pin the devil horns on the Layla. That's my favorite.
Fawn: wow. Sounds fun.


Liza: I thought of it all myself.

Amber: Wow, final 8. Still can't believe I made it this far. I guess I'm open to at least one lebih person to trust, but I'm not sure who. Like I said, it's easy to lose trust than to gain it back, and not many of these contenders are really...trustworthy, besides Liza that is.


(Mess Hall)
Lia: (eating some cake)
Annie: (enters) Lia?
Lia: What do anda want?
Annie: Why are anda not at the party?
Lia: Why do anda care? anda don't like me anyways.
Annie: Lia, I was thinking. Maybe it's okay for anda to Like Jordan. I mean, It's normal. Can we till be friends?
Lia: (sigh) Sure.
(Annie and Lia hug)
Annie: thanks. Now, let's get to the No lebih Layla party.
Lia: okay.
(First class)
Amber: hey Rochelle.
Rochelle: oh hey.
Amber: Do anda want to be in an alliance?
Rochelle: I don't know. Last time I was in an alliacne, Draven used me.
Amber: I would never use you. And I know about how much he was a jerk. So do anda want to?
Rochelle: (sigh) Sure why not.
Amber: cool.
Lance: (runs up) Guys! anda have to see this!
Rochelle: what is it?
Lance: Cole put the devil ears on Layla's boobs.
Rochelle: (laughs)
Amber: Wow.
Chris: (intercom) Hello contestants, I know how fun anda are going with the party and all. But today we have to have a challenge, so meet me out side.

Cole: where are we?
Chris: Greece! Your challenge today is the Olympic games!
Rochelle: Cool.
Chris: Here is how it goes: There will be 7 events and maybe 8 if we need a tie breaker. Because only 1 person will have invincibility today.
Cole: how do anda win invincibility?
Chris: Easy. anda will get a emas metal if anda get first place in a challenge. The person with the most emas metals win. And speaking of which. Annie, here is your emas metal for your advantage.
Annie: sweet!
Chris: Now for the first event. It's meja Tennis. Follow me!
(Table tenis room)
Chris: Okay. So here is how it will go. The first round will be Cole v.s Lance, Liza v.s Fawn, Rochelle v.s Annie. Lia v.s Amber. Then the winners of that round will go v.sing another winner. Then the winners from that round will go to see who get's the emas metal. First up, Cole v.s Lance!
(Cole goes to his side and Lance goes to the other)
Lance: Your going down!
Cole: In your dreams.
Chris: Okay, now Cole will serve first because he won invincibility last time.
Cole: Oh yeah!
Chris: Ready. BEGIN!
(Cole serves, then Lance hits it, then Cole hits it, then Lance hits it then Cole pisses)
Cole: What the crap?!


Lia: okay, this all reminds me of regular tenis back in France.


(Table tenis room)
Chris: 1 - zip! Cole?
Cole: Your going down this time pretty boy. (serves the ball and then Lance hits it then Cole hits it then Lance misses)
Lance: AW MAN!
Cole: Told ya.
Chris: 1 - 1!
Cole: (serves the ball the Lance hits it then Cole misses)
Cole: Aggh...
Chris: 2 - 1!
Cole: Yeah we get it! (serves the ball and then Lance hits it then Cole misses) OH COME ON!
Chris: 3 - 1! Match point!
Cole: Your going down! (serves the ball and then Lance hits it then Cole hits it then Lance hits it then Cole hits it then Lance hits it then Cole misses) AGGGHHH!!
Chris: 4 - 1! Winner is Lance!
Lance: OH YEAH!
Cole: (sigh)
Chris: selanjutnya up is Liza v.s Fawn!
(Liza and coklat kekuningan get ready)
Chris: Liza, since anda won invincibility 2 days ago, anda serve first.
Liza: okay. Ready Fawn?
Fawn: yep.
Liza: (serves ball and coklat kekuningan misses)
Fawn: What?
Liza: YES!
Chris: 1 - 0!
Liza: (serves the ball and coklat kekuningan misses again)
Fawn: huh?
Chris: 2- 0!
Fawn: Your serving it wrong!
Liza: No I'm not. Ready?
Fawn: Yeah.
Liza: (serves the ball and coklat kekuningan hits it then Liza hits it then coklat kekuningan misses)
Chris: 3 - 0! Match point!
Liza: now was I serving it wrong that time?
Fawn: (rolls eyes)
Liza: (serves the ball and coklat kekuningan hits it then Liza hits it then coklat kekuningan hits it then Liza hits it then coklat kekuningan misses)
Fawn: aggghh..
Chris: 4 - 0! Winner is Liza!
Liza: YES!
Chris: selanjutnya up is Annie v.s Rochelle!
(Rochelle and Annie get ready)
Annie: meja tenis huh? It can't be that different than regular tenis right?
Chris: Annie, Since anda have the advantage, anda serve first.
Annie: okay. (severs the ball and Rochelle hits it then Annie hits it then Rochelle hits it then Annie hits it then Rochelle misses)
Rochelle: aw man!
Chris: 1 - 0!
Annie: (serves the ball and Rochelle its it the Annie hits it then Rochelle hits it then Annie misses) So close!
Chris: 1 - 1!
Annie: (Serves the ball and Rochelle hits it then Annie hits it then Rochelle misses)
Rochelle: man!
Chris: 2 - 1!
Annie: (serves the ball then Rochelle misses)
Rochelle: What?
Chris: 3 - 1! Match point!
Annie: (serves the ball and Rochelle hits it then Annie misses) what the?
Chris: 3 - 2! Match point!
Annie: (serves the ball and Rochelle hits it then Annie hits its then Rochelle misses) YES!
Chris: 4 - 2! The winner is Annie!
Annie: YES!
Chris: selanjutnya up is Amber v.s Lia!
(Amber and Lia get ready)
Chris: Lia and Amber. Since anda both won the advantage last time, rock paper scissors to see who get's to serve.
(Amber does Rock and Lia does scissors)
Lia: man!
Amber: YES!
Chris: okay, Amber anda serve it!
(Amber serves it then Lia hits it then Amber misses)
Chris: 1 - 0!
(Amber serves it then Lia misses)
Chris: 1 - 1!
(Amber serves it then Lia hits it then Amber hits it then Lia hits it then Amber misses)
Chris: 2 - 1!
(Amber serves it then Lia hits it then Amber hits it then Lia hits it then Amber misses)
Chris: 3 - 1! Match point!
(Amber serves it then Lia hits it then Amber misses)
Chris: 4 - 1! The winner is Lia!
Lia: YES!
Chris: Now. The selanjutnya round is going to be Lance vs. Annie and Liza vs. Lia. First up is Lance vs. Annie.
(Lance and Annie get ready)
Chris: Lance, since anda won oleh the most last time, anda get to serve.
Lance: okay! (serves the ball and Annie hits it then Lance misses) WHAT THE?
Annie: mhm.
Chris: 1 - 0!
Lance: (serves the ball and then Annie hits it and Lance misses) what?
Chris: 2 - 0!
Lance: I let anda win those 2.
Annie: sure anda did.
Lance: I did. (serves the ball and Annie hits it then Lance hits it then Annie hits it then Lance misses)
Chris: 3 - 0! Match point!
Lance: (sigh) (hits it the Annie hits it then Lance misses) what?
Chris: 4 - 0! The winner is Annie!
Annie: YES!
Chris: selanjutnya up is Liza vs. Lia!
(Liza and Lia get ready)
Chris: Liza, since anda won oleh the most last time, anda serve first.
Liza: okay. (serves the ball and Lia hits it then Liza misses) what?
Chris: 1 - 0!
Liza: (serves it then Lia hits it then Liza hits it then Lia hits it then Liza misses)
Chris: 2 - 0!
Liza: (serves the ball and Lia hits it then Liza misses)
Chris: 3 - 0! Match point!
Liza: (serves the ball and Lia hits it then Liza misses) man!
Chris: 4 - 0! The winner is Lia!
Lia: YES!
Chris: okay, now Lia vs. Annie! Get ready!
(Annie get's ready and Lia doesn't pindah because she is already there)
Chris: okay. anda guys both won oleh the same points, so Rock paper scissor it anda 2!
(Annie does Paper and Lia does Rock)
Chris: Annie serves!


Lia: Rock paper scissors hates me.


(Table tenis room)
Chris: okay, because it's the final round, we're only going up to 3 because we're low on time.
Annie: (serves the ball and Lia hits it then Annie hit it then Lia hits it. then Annie hits it. then Lia hits it. Then Annie hits it. then Lia hits it. Then Annie hits it. Then Lia hits it. Then Annie misses) CRAP!
Chris: 1 - 0!
Annie: (serves it then Lia hits it then Annie hits it and Lia misses)
Chris: 1 - 1!
Annie: (serves it then Lia hits it then Annie hit it then Lia hits it then Annie misses) MAN!
Chris: 2 - 1! Match point!
Annie: (serves it then Lia hits it then Annie hits it then Lia hits it then Annie hits it then Lia misses)
Chris: 2 - 2! Duse!
Annie: (serves it then Lia hits it the Annie hits it then Lia misses)
Chris: 2 - 3! Match point!
Annie: (serves it then Lia hits it and Annie misses)
Chris: 3 - 3! Duse!
Annie: (serves it the Lia hits it the Annie hits it the Lia misses)
Chris: 3 - 4! Match point!
Annie: (hits it then Lia hits it then Annie hits it then Lia misses) YES!
Chris: 5 - 3! Annie wins!
Lia: Nice job Annie.
Annie: anda too.
(they shake hands)
Chris: okay, Annie here is your 2nd emas metal!
Annie: YES!
Chris: okay everyone follow me to the selanjutnya event!
Chris: This event is-
Rochelle: let me guess. Swimming?
Chris: yep.
Annie: Jordan would be good at this.
Chris: Okay, so, since there is 8 of you. That is perfect for the number of lanes. The winner get's a emas metal. anda have to do a 100 freestyle?
Fawn: What's that?
Rochelle: anda do this (does freestyle arms) to the other end and back.
Fawn: oh...
Chris: okay. So, coklat kekuningan lane 1. Amber lane 2. Lia lane 3. Annie lane 4. Lance lane 5. Liza lane 6. Rochelle lane 7. Cole lane 8.
(everyone goes to their assigned lanes)
Chris: ready. take your marks.... (buzzer goes off)
(everyone but coklat kekuningan goes off the blocks)
Fawn: Oh go? (dives off the blocks)
(they all swim the 100 Free and Rochelle touches first, then Lia, then Cole, then Lance, then Annie, , then Amber, then Liza, then Fawn.)
Rochelle: YES! I won!
Chris: here is your first emas metal Rochelle.
Rochelle: YES!
Chris: now everyone dry off then come with me to the selanjutnya event!
(the Track)
Chris: okay, your selanjutnya event is the 100 meter dash. The lanes this time will be coklat kekuningan in lane 1-
Fawn: again.
Chris: Amber in lane 2. Lia in lane 3. Rochelle in lane 4. Cole in lane 5. Lance in lane 6. Annie in lane 7. and Liza in lane 8.
(every gets to their lanes)
Chris: Runners, take your marks... (fires gun into the air)
(everyone but coklat kekuningan goes)
Fawn: Oh. go? (goes)


Fawn: so any loud sound mean go? oh okay.


(The finish line on the track)
(Cole and Lance tie then Liza, then Annie and Lia, then Rochelle, then Amber, then Fawn.)
Chris: and it's a tie for Lance and Cole! So here anda both go for the emas metal. Your first one!
Lance: Sweet.
Cole: OH YEAH!
Chris: okay everyone follow me for your first event.
(other side of the track)
Amber: Chris, can we take a break?
Chris: no. The selanjutnya event is cycling. Everyone, get a bike.
(everyone get's a bike)
Chris: okay, Lane 1 is Fawn.
Fawn: AGAIN?
Chris: lane 2 is Rochelle. Lane 3 is Lance. Lane 4 is Cole. Lane 5 is Annie. Lane 6 is Liza, Lane 7 is Lia. and Lane 8 is Amber.
(everyone goes to their lanes with their bikes)
Chris: everyone get on your bike. and... GO!
(everyone goes)


Fawn: yeah. I knew what to do this time.


(Finish line on track)
(Lia then Annie, then Cole, then Lance, than Amber, than Liza, then Fawn, then Rochelle)
Chris: good job Lia! anda get your first emas metal!
Lia: YES!
Chris: everyone follow me for the selanjutnya event.
(everyone gowns)


Fawn: I didn't get last!

Rochelle: how did coklat kekuningan meet me?


(Track oleh long jump)
Amber: Chris can we have some water?
Rochelle: yeah, we need it.
Chris: after the challenge.
(everyone growns)
Chris: okay, your selanjutnya event is the long jump. First up is Rochelle.
Rochelle: okay. (jumps)
Chef: 4.75!
Chris: selanjutnya is Fawn!
Fawn: (jumps)
Chef: 3.98!
Chris: selanjutnya is Liza!
Liza: (jumps)
Chef: 5.16!
Liza: YES!
Chris: selanjutnya is Amber!
Amber: (jumps)
Chef: 4.07!
Chris: selanjutnya is Lance!
Lance: (jumps)
Chef: 5. 01!
Lance: So close!
Chris: selanjutnya is Cole!
Cole: (jumps)
Chef: 5. 03!
Cole: Oh come on!
Chris: selanjutnya is Annie!
Annie: (jumps)
Chef: 4.52!
Chris: and finally Lia!
Lia: (jumps)
Chef: 4.39 feet!
Chris: The winner is Liza!
Liza: YES!
Chris: here is your emas metal! Everyone, follow me for the selanjutnya event!
Chris: the selanjutnya event is archery. The one who is-
Amber: closest to the target wins. Yeah. we get it!
Chris: okay... everyone pick a target and bow.
(everyone picks a target and bow)
Chris: anda get 3 shots. Go when your ready.
(after everyone shoots the 3 bows)
Chris: It looks like Amber Cole hit the target!
Amber and Cole: YES!
Chris: here is your first emas metal Amber and your 2nd Cole! Now follow me to the last atau 2nd to last event!
(Mud area)
Chris: Your selanjutnya event is snow boarding!
Lance: Where's the snow?
Chris: Well... it's mud boarding. Now. Everyone grab a board and get ready!
(Everyone grabs a board and get's ready.)
Chris: ready... begin!
(everyone goes)
Fawn: this is so hard! woooooo! (falls on puncak, atas of Rochelle)
Rochelle: Really Fawn?
Fawn: sorry.
Lia: How do anda do this?
Annie: I know.
(Lia and Annie fall)
Lia: CRAP!
(Almost to finish line)
Cole: I see the finish line! I'm going to win!
Lance: Not if I have anything to do about it.
Cole: get back here!
(Lance crossing 1/2 a detik before Cole)
Chris: And the winner is Lance! Here is your 2nd emas metal. That means Cole, Annie, and Lance have to do the tie breaker!
Annie, Cole, and Lance: oh no.
Amber: can we get water?
Chris: yes, anda losers can get water!
Fawn: YES! (runs in plane)
Chris: okay the tie breaker is rowing.
Annie: okay.
Cole: I'm ganna win.
Lance: Oh no anda won't. I am.
Chris: JUST GET IN YOUR perahu AND GO!!
Annie: don't we need 2 people to do this?
Chris: nope. anda can do it on your own.
Annie: but in the-
Chris: I DON'T CARE!! Just get in!
(Annie, Cole, and Lance gets in different boats)
Chris: Ready... GO!
(They start)
Annie: don't drink Annie. Don't drink. anda can do this... aaaa.. ikan PEE IN THE LAKE!!
Lance: huh?
Annie: I say stuff like that to keep me from drinking the water.
Lance: oh...
Cole: (Passes them) I'm going to win!
Lance: what?!?!? No anda don't! (catches up)
Annie: OH NO! (try to catch up)
(finish line)
(Lance crosses then Cole then Annie)
Chris: Okay, it looks like Lance wins invincibility!
Lance: YES!
Cole and Annie: aw man!


Fawn: It's not fare! I was the only one that didn't get a emas metal! (grunts)


Okay, everyone has to vote. anda can IM me, kotak masuk me, atau komentar below your vote. This time, because it was such a long episode (sorry about that), there will be no confessionals needed.

Here is who is still in the game:
Lance (invincibility)
added by valentinefrance
added by AndrewX
Source: SIMGart
added by usachan134
So..I'm doing a reviewing "Celebrity Manhunt's"From total drama action and I have to admit I do hate this episode but I don't think it's the worst episode atau the worst season of total drama.But,I'm getting off topic.So it starts out with a un heard theme song than those two keep talking how they can't wait very annoyingly.Than ANOTHER theme song.After that they talk about what's going to happen atau at lest their main plan about the day.And EASTER EGG ALEJANDRO'S ROBOT SUIT!But Now let's get to the main part of the episode they talk about what happened when we weren't looking.First they start...
continue reading...
5. Noah and Katie(Notie)
This couple is very odd if that's the word.But at the same time cute and lovable!And since it's a fan meriam couple I really can't say anything about these couples.

4.Chris and paycheck!(Chreck)
This is a funny couple isn't it!I mean they been through thick and thin HOOK UP ALREADY we all know anda cinta each other just get married!

3. Owen and Lindsay(Owsay)
Like Chreck these two been there for each other and also have just as much in common.The personalities of these two fit perfect together lebih perfect than Chreck and we know how much they fit together.

2. Mal and Courtney(Coal)...
continue reading...
posted by icemily42
The game work like this. If a total drama character did a bad deed they'll get a villain point atau points depending how bad it is. I'm not counting making fun of each other unless they gossip I won't count it. The heroes points are diberikan when they do a heroic deed I'm not counting thing saying nice to each other. here how the points thing works. I'm not counting Zoey in this challenge sense she's a post to be the perfect character in this tv tampil so i'm not counting her. now if anda get a enough heroic points if anda get 7 the villain points can disappear. And anda need 1 through 15 to be a hero....
continue reading...
added by DandC4evacute
Source: GwennieBlack
added by DandC4evacute
Source: Margarita2711
added by CourtneyGirl
Source: tdibasecity and me
added by cocoqueenliz
added by bcthestrongest
Source: me
added by bubblegum505
Source: Me
added by killer12345
added by graysie14
Source: me and
added by graysie14
Source: me her tdi-exile and
added by graysie14
Source: me her tdi-exile and
posted by Fawniex3

Sex: Male.

Hometown: I'd rather not have a creepy stalker like Izzy follow me around wherever I go, thank you.

Likes: My computer, laporan cards, Jane Austen, buku and much more.

Relationship: Thankfully, no.


Duncan: Dude. Your profil is a serious downer.
April 10th at 6:54pm

Noah: And what's your excuse Mr. Delinquent?
April 10th at 6:55pm

Duncan: My excuse? What excuse? My profil is wicked.
April 10th at 6:56pm

Noah: Uh huh. Just keep telling yourself that.
April 10th at 6:57pm

Duncan: And what's that supposed to mean?
April 10th at 6:57pm

continue reading...
posted by nocofangirl218
Yep........I'm finally updating this! .3. I'm sorry for the wait, but....I did say I was gonna be slower on the updates. So....I better just start this already! XD Hope this was worth the wait!


*Elimination ceremony*

Chris: *comes up to the podium* Welcome one and all to......another elimination ceremony which I always seem to have to host!

Alex: ….whats with the attitude.

Chris: *scoffs* Normally I'd tell you, but....I just wanna get this stupid ceremony over with. -_- Anyway, the first one aman, brankas is, of course, Robin! *quickly throws Robin...
continue reading...
Rayla:Last time on TOTAL DRAMA CC!!!. Teams were made friendships were formed. Pie was not eaten and 3 people don't get elimated. And now we will see what happens selanjutnya on....TOTAL DRAMA CC!!!! *AT THE ELIMATION* Chris:Okay...lets get this over with! Angel:Duncan , Gwen , Lindsay , Demetry , Rayla , Mirra , Destery , Riley , Nate , Jessica , Carter- Chris:AND Avery , Noah , Alejandro , Leshawna , Heather. Angel:And Bridgette , Geoff , Trent , Cody. Chris:Paris anda are a good player , but anda need to do more. Angel:Chris? Chris:What?! Angel:Paris is the only one who hasn't got slimed. Chris:Well...that...
continue reading...
Here's the themes for every couple. I've included every canon couple (even the ones that have broken up) and three one-sided crushes.

TylerxLindsay: Hot oleh Avril Lavigne

IzzyxOwen: Hot N' Cold oleh Katy Perry

CodyxSierra (one-sided): Snow White queen oleh evanescence (Most of the song is from Cody's point of view. The chorus is from Sierra's point of view.)

CodyxGwen (one-sided): High Above Me oleh Tal Bachman

CourtneyxDuncan: I Hate Everything About anda oleh Three Days Grace

HaroldxLeShawna: White N' Nerdy oleh Weird Al Yankovick

HaroldxHeather (one-sided): Just the Girl oleh The Click...
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