the winx club Roleplay: Alfea! Volenteer department (Plz read discription before replying)

pandawinx posted on Feb 07, 2010 at 09:45PM
With her six star students completling their stay at alfea, Faragonda needs new gaurdians of her school.....Fast! This is the chance for the students to shine and volenteer to a awesome new task: Becoming the next group of friends defending Alfea from monsters, cloudtower witches.....and maybe even evil cheese....No, i didnt think so either. :D
Each member will get to get through all the action (Transforming, fighting the enemy together, etc.) But they also have a special job. To get a a part in the group you must answer a simple test to prove yourself (Unless you wanna be leader, then the test is kinda hard) if you get it right, you get that job, so here are the jobs! Good luck:

1. Leader (Leaders make the decisions, lead the battle, take in everyones views and are...Well, the leader, i guess...) Test: A great leader should be: A. a good listener, who takes peoples ideas in view and is trustworthy. B. always coming out winning, being really powerful and perfect! C. Royal.
2. Healers (They are most helpful when someone is injured, hurt etc. They can help them the most quickly using special spells and the hardest to injure in battle.) Test: A broken pet wing needs?: A. A plaster. B. Nothing. C. Wing powder.
3. Defenders (They are the best at forming forcefields and things to protect others with magical barriers, without them, the club would fail easily!) Test: Which of the following CAN'T break through a brick wall? A. A spell. B. A feather. C. A elephant.
4. Code crackers. (Their great when it comes to solving riddles, they're good at finding secret doors and passaways, can pick locks, they're very clever, basically the 'smart' ones AKA: Like Tecna!) Test: What shape are mazes? A. Sqaure. B. circle. C. they can be any shape.
5. Back up. (All the others are brill at their jobs but....Not that good at the others, the back up girl is good at a bit of everything, she can help when someones still injured in battle, and is great at teamwork) Test: True or false? Back ups are used ONLY in power fights? True? False?
6. Disguises (Usually the fashionista of the group! They can make any disguise very quickly, are great actresses and great at fooling the enemy) Test: What do you need for the perfect disguise? A. Patience. B.A eye for fashion. C. Both!
7. Creativity girls (The girl which is most creative, is great at making devices and drawings to help the missions) Test: Whats a blueprint: A. a finger print which is blue, what else??!?!? B. A plan. C. A map.
8. Navigator. (They help when the groups lost and can work well with compasses and maps!) Test: Wheres Alfea again?: A. Magix. B. gardenia. C. In a foresty place...

Good luck! You can apply for as many as you like but remember their can only be one of each (Sorry) and you can only have one job. :)

the winx club 191 balasa

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