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Originals EP Previews Klaus and Cami's 'Powerful' selanjutnya Step, Lucien's New Fury

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called ‘The Originals’ Recap: Season 3 Episode 18 — Lucien Bites Cami, Spoilers | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
How is it that I’m more worried about Cami after Friday’s episode of
than I was when she was literally dead in Klaus’ bed?
The Originals‘ Joseph Morgan Sorts Out Klaus’ Complicated Feelings for Hayley, Caroline and (So Many) Others
This week’s hectic hour found Team Mikaelson attempting to defeat Lucien 2.0 and Aurora 1.5 — she hasn’t made the full transformation yet, but she’s already there mentally — with somewhat mixed results. TVLine spoke with executive producer Michael Narducci about three of this week’s biggest twists, but first, a quick recap:
Hayley and Cami teamed up to saved Klaus from Aurora’s clutches, while Freya and Elijah gathered the Strix for an assault against Lucien; via the magic of security footage, Lucien discovered that Aurora has no romantic feelings for him; Marcel convinced an out-of-control Kol that the best thing he can do for Davina is leave town, which he did; and in the episode’s final moments, an understandably pissed-off Lucien bit Cami in her home.
TVLINE | Let’s start with Cami. Can you give me
Well, you saw what I saw. She’s in absolutely life-threatening peril. She has now been bitten by a bite we know is lethal enough to kill even Finn. I can promise you that in the next episode, you’ll see Cami alive and awake. You’ll see how she reacts to that bite; the first thing she has to do is survive being in the immediate clutches of Lucien. Cami will see Klaus again, and whens he gets to him, he’s going to recruit his entire family to find a way to slow — if not stop or cure — the bite she’s now dying from. That’s really the heart of next week’s episode, these two people who are in desperate straits. It’s going to be a powerful story about the connection between them.
TVLINE | And how will Lucien’s discovery about Aurora’s feelings change his game plan?
He went from being a romantic who wanted to defeat the bully and impress the girl to a guy who just hates the bully and has no hope of getting the girl. In some ways, he’s more dangerous, because he has nothing to lose. Sensing that Klaus is responsible for stealing Aurora from him 1,000 years ago led to his decision to do what he does at the end of the episode with Cami.
TVLINE | I loved Hayley’s line about how staying away from Cami won’t change the way she feels about Klaus. Any chance she’ll take her own advice with Elijah?
We’ve been telling this story of these two very different couples finding their way back to each other after a lot of distance and many obstacles, and both of them will see some advancements and some more obstacles. In some aspects, there will be closure, and in others, there will be the prospect of more to come.
Your thoughts on this week’s episode? Your hopes for episodes still to come? Drop ’em all in a comment below.
Spoilers have been spot on so far, hope they stay that way! Because no offense to LP but good riddance to Cami in 3×19! Love Lucien, hope they find a way to keep him around!
Accept Aurora drank the serum and there was no sleeping spell.
Their kind of was. Freya refrenced her spell keeping Aurora asleep. And also mentioned something about using Aurora’s blood to engineer a way to kill Lucien and Aurora. Theoretically she could engineer another dose too.
Freya said she was going to do a spell to keep her asleep , so I say that counts.
I want Aurora dead. I want Cammie to die again. I want the ancestors to go away. And I want this storyline to end.
Cami has been the worst character since the beginning. Please just go away for good!
I absolutely agree with you. But according to the spoilers looks like we’ll get our wish.
I agree. She lived as Klaus’ designated love interest and looks like she’s dying as Klaus’ designated love interest.
you mean the best character. please never leave the show cami <3
Nope, we mean the worst. We are entitled to our opinion just as you are.
So is lucien only that powerful because of the ancestors. And marcel is the real beast.
I agree, I think Lucien’s power is tied to the ancestors because since the beginning where they’re involved, they call the shots. Probably there is gonna be a way to cut off his tie to them.
I’m wondering if his form is unstable, becuz of the 7 werewolf venoms, but if the ancestors are providing the stability needed for the time being. What would happen if an Original, or specifically Klaus cuz he’s a true hybrid, had some of Luciens blood, would it turn them into something even greater?.. Maybe the beast? Also Lucien or Aurora’s blood could be the cure to their bite…Could be, it’s still unclear exactly what Lucien made himself. But unless he figured out the magic behind making werewolves too ( which predates the Originals spell ) I don’t think he’d be a true hybrid, like Klaus. So what would happen if Klaus was turned by Luciens blood, maybe the beast?
I like her too. She is like the Laurel Lance of TO. Poor writing for her and the crazy fandom hates her. Same goes for Davina.
I love her. Most people that hate her usually ship Klaroline so they hate her for no reason. A lot of people do actually because she’s not a bad character, maybe poorly written but not a actual bad character. I’m pissed that they’re going to break Klaus’s heart AGAIN for absolutely nothing.
I feel bad for LP, but the writer’s ruined her character. She could have been a strong, well developed character but instead they just made her a LI only. In S1 I liked her a lot, but this season ruined her. As you said she is poorly written and right now not adding anything to the SL. I am glad they are cutting off the loose ends. LP deserves better opportunities.
Sorry, but arguing that people only dislike her because of a ship makes no sense. From what I’ve seen most people who do like her ship Klamille. Is it fair to say that they only like her character because of that ship? I don’t like her because they’ve floundered with her after S1. They could have given her independant storylines, developed her relationships with other characters but they didn’t. She seems to exist solely to explain Klaus’ character (and I’m not an idiot, so that’s unneccessary) and watch him longingly while waiting for him to make a move.
Nope. I LOVE Cami and a lot of people do but a lot of people who comment on here like to just rant about their hatred for her. If she and the other character rumored death/s happen, the show is going to lose a little bit of it’s heart for me. But I am actually really enjoying this season’s overall storyline, especially with the ramping up of the final few eps.
I think Cami is awesome so I don’t get all the haters out there. I hope she stays around a long time and I hope she and Klaus are in it to win it, together.
No a lot of people love her.It’s just that most of the people who hate her KH/KC shippers and are very loud in their hate.
Right….its funny how her ‘popularity’ doesn’t show in ways that usually measure how popular a character is- her social media presence is really insignificant in comparisons to other characters not only across TVD/TO but also other CW shows.
Its not a shipping issue. Cami has topped lists for characters with poor chemistry, for characters that make us want to throw out TV’s out the window, for characters that need TGTFO, this has been going on for the last three years. I know that its easier to not admit that this character has never really been successful, but its just the truth.
What’s the point of making Cami a vampire for like 10 episodes if you’re just going to kill her off anyway? Do we really need Klaus’s heart ripped out twice? It seems like a waste.
No more wasteful than giving Klaus his real father for one episode.
While I agree with you, he was a new character that no one had the time to attach to. Whether fans liked her or not, Cami’s been on the show since day 1. If anything they were attached to her. Just seems pointless to do this with a regular.
Extremely pointless, actually it’s quite ridiculous. Killing Cami will sit well with Klaus and it’ll probably regress his character which is also stupid at this point. The writers are truly idiots for this.
I think it’s part business (they have to be looking at budget cuts next year). And I think it’s simply the fact that Cami’s the most expendable. She doesn’t have much of a fan following and she’s not super essential to the plots.
Pissed. Cami gets so much hate for no reason. Not to mention it was such a waste of time turning her into a vampire just to kill her off a few episodes later, that’s if she actually stays dead. The writing is turning to sh*t, people are dying for no reason and the one person that needs to die…won’t. I’m absolutely OVER Aurora. If Lucien must stick around to play the big bad then so be it but Aurora can really get the hell on. On second thought, Lucien can go with her, I’m over the prophecy storyline as well. I’m tired of watching my favorite characters get dragged through the dirt. Look at what they’re doing to Kol, brought him back just to make him play puppet to the ancestors. Speaking of those dead broads, I’m over them too.
Quite frankly, I’m over this ENTIRE season
I can’t wait for the next episode. Everyone talks about how people hate Cami, but the writers did her no justice. She could have been a strong character, but they tied her to Klaus with no storyline of her own. I had hopes early on this season with her keeping her distance from all Klaus drama. But at last it seems this was always going to happen.
Could not agree more! I’m thinking that either LP wanted to leave or they were pressured by the network since MN seems to love her and her character. Hopefully LP will find some better opportunities!
I loved the seeds planted in tonight’s episode. So basically Lucien did all of this for a girl who just doesn’t love him…. And revenge, this will not end well for him I think. Next week looks intense for sure, I have seen the spoilers but I hope they aren’t true! I am a Hayley/Elijah fan and I liked everything that was implied tonight in their subtle interactions. I feel really bad for Kol, I hope they don’t dispose of him again.
I’m confident Davina will save Kol and Hayley /Elijah will be together. Klaus is going to be sad. Hopefully Rebekah will return to cheer him up.
The ancestors want TO out of NOLA, but Kol can’t leave. Now what?
Read the summary for either the next episode or the one after that and we might have your answer. Of course, it could be there just to throw us off, like they have done with Rebecca coming back.
I watch this show because of LP and of course the guys but I’ve stuck with because of LP regardless of what writers have done to her. I hope she finds another show or something…maybe not with this channel
So we have two ships that have failed to resonate with the larger audience, and we are somehow supposed to feel interested in the overblown dialogue and acting choices showing them ‘finding their way back to each other”? No thanks.
I feel like we have a bunch of writers that are so disconnected from what the audience wants, indulging in their own fanfiction and participating in what is essentially a literary jerk circle. Please don’t drag on this overdone romance, stick a fork in it because its so done.
both ships have resonated with the audience. who put you in charge of judging what the audience wants? smh.
How have they resonated with the audience? Not much of a show on twitter, not big tumblr fandoms, media articles seem to talk about a lack of chemistry, and how Cami/Hayley need to leave. So outside of a small vocal shipping fandom, how have these characters been successful?
People want to see the Original family, not the ultimate Mary-Sue snowflake Weredingo or the prison groupie hack psychologist whose whole existence is being whatever Klaus needs. People want strong female characters not these male gaze walking troupes.
Exactly, Jess! And I will add that the ratings also show quite clearly that the audience doesn’t care for the storylines. This show had so much potential but the showrunners completely squandered it.
What the writers want is not fanfiction. What everyone else wants and imagines is.
Thank you! It seems that Arrow has ruined that for other shows since it is basically fan fiction now.
Right….Arrow, a show that has successfully spun off two others, and in its fourth season, easily got renewed and is the second highest rated CW show. TVD/TO both falling to the bottom of the ladder, because the writers are so out of touch with their audience.
They should’ve kept Finn. It would’ve been really cool to see him as a series regular Thanks 4 putting our hopes high like that, I think we should support Finn (Casper zafer) like we did kol, speaking of kol am so sure they are gonna kill him off the show. If I was these writers I would make all seven siblings stay on the show permanently & let mikeal & Finn be the villains
Why would they kill Finn, I really thought he was gonna stay this time thanks for putting our hopes really high am really disappointed with the originals producer
I think they might be keeping Kol. Haven’t heard anything yet. But most likely LP and DC are gone. DC is busy making movies. And anyone look at MN’s twitter tonight? New level of salty! He needs to learn a thing or two from JP.
Nate’s been super pro TO on social media lately and he was seem filming in the finale so I am cautiously optimistic that they’re FINALLY making him a regular next year.
what a striking turn of events… lucien on top of de food chain along with Aroura who however does not love him… Be that as it may, am seeing cami defeating Aroura to almost to the death butter yet, klaus stopping her……
I hope cami don’t die off think her and klaus balance each other out she better fit for him vs Caroline because she knows the side of being good yet the darkness was fun too for her she klaus other half when she was human the way she was with klaus on the outside the listener she was semi patient not so much judgemental it every thing klaus really is on the inside that no one really sees because he has this reputation of being a monster and she brung that out of him subconsciously without him knowing because they were made for each other now when she turned into a vampire he inturn will be that for her because he been that dark mad monster she becoming no matter how she fight him he will get her back that why they are perfect for each other Caroline or Hayley can’t be all that for him …it the same with Hayley and Elijah .but of course who cares they go write what the haterful fans want vs actually forfilling the storyline they start off with that everyone wants to see happen why they rating drops it more fan who actually want see them together vs the dumb ones who don’t I should become a writer they kill cami off I can see me slowly not looking at this show no more like t.v.d it started getting dumb I stop watching bringing Rebekah back would be awesome
Aw yea those dam ancestors how hell can you kill them for good thought the otherside disintegrated blew up something ..but thinking if I was a writer I would put a twist to why these ancestors hate this particular family so much more then any vampires truth be told the dam ancestors and witches the worse ever when they brother died Henrik what if he was concentrated because he would been a witch just untapped powers what if it told out somehow after all this time he the original ancestor witch on the other side he hell bent on making them pay after all he did dye before he could live all because of Klaus and the wolves then esther turned them all immortal didn’t make it no better I mean other strange stuff has happen with these shows but that been interesting he hell bent on making them all suffer because he didn’t live life and unknown
I love Lucien for biting Camille xD damn she needs to die
No point in watching the show if they kill my favorite character a.k.a. Cami.I’d be really upset if they kill her.
i dont understand why everyone is hating cami i love her for klaus hope they dont kill her off after this bite from lucien in season 4 i hope they give cami a bigger part to play
I find it..,ironic, how you say “Aurora 1.5” vs 2.0 ;) lol hint hint ?
Wonder what adverse effects that needle will cause, considering that she hadn’t been turned yet…
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