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Starfire Pertanyaan

Why do people pair up B.B. and Star? She's already in cinta with Robin.

 speedy106 posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
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Starfire Jawaban

OAwkwardTurtleO said:
It's just based on opinions really. *** SPOILER AHEAD CAUTION*** In the comics Robin actually dumps her because he doesn't truly cinta her, though maybe he did once. This actually left Starfire heartbroken, and unsure of what to do. This left me heartbroken also.
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 It's just based on opinions really. *** SPOILER AHEAD CAUTION*** In the comics Robin actually dumps her because he doesn't truly cinta her, though maybe he did once. This actually left Starfire heartbroken, and unsure of what to do. This left me heartbroken also.
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Chibi-Chipette said:
Because they might ship Robrae, atau maybe because they are both happy and like joking around. I don't have anything against them.
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 Because they might ship Robrae, atau maybe because they are both happy and like joking around. I don't have anything against them.
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mikla23 said:
maybe its because the say they look together, but i really don't know
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BBRaeFan1530 said:
I don't know. But its pretty GROSS!!! She belongs with Robin and Beast Boy belongs with Raven! I also pair Cyborg with Bumble Bee.
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Riri567 said:
Because they are both cute
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