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posted by sonamybest357
 Ivory the hedgecat
Ivory the hedgecat
The end of the world began with a dream. I knew it was a dream because, unlike most humans and Mobians, my REM state, usually predicted the future, painful encounters, and sometimes even angry hordes of killer cows. (Long story)
    But back to the dream. The smell of corrosive flesh was prompted. Flames crackled along the base of the scraggy mountain, trapping me and my worst enemy in a towering prison of smoke and ash. The scorching heat did not bother me though; the only thing that disturbed me was my enemy. He would have disturbed anyone.
    He was a tall Mobian, an android; he wasn't really alive but certainly not dead. His yellow/black steel plated bulu gleamed in the crackling flames. And he was ripe with corded muscle.
    His eyes were cold, calculating and utterly devastating. He radiated power, cruel strong, evil power.
    “Ivory, how very childish of you.” his voice was deep, resonating hatred and strife.
    He was Delta-Moblius, and half Mobian, half robotic beast, who had pushed the world into utter chaos. Delta-Moblius had destroyed most of human existence with his sinister robot army. His Ebony pelt was matted with metal. Yellow highlights glittered his sides. Long claws sprouted from his fingers, ready to gut anyone without a tampil of remorse.
    I wanted to destroy him; I had vowed to destroy him. Yet, this being a dream, I couldn't actually physically pindah atau speak. The only thing I could do was listen to the monster’s disgusting speech.
    “You cannot imagine the pain and devastation I will bestow upon you.” He growled, eyes shifting from a calm yellow to a deep scarlet red. The color of blood. Delta-Moblius plunged his hand into midair and grasped something, momentarily his hand dissipated, and he dragged out a hedgehog. A familiar berwarna merah muda, merah muda form.
    My jantung sank; he had brought out my closest friend out of who knows were. She was a bloody and bruised, and most likely psychologically tortured. Her name was Breeze and she was in trouble and I could do nothing to stop Delta-Moblius.
    The Mobian cackled at my helplessness and drew a wickedly large sword. He laughed once lebih and brought the sword down in a slow deadly arc, ripping through skin.
    “NO!!!” I screamed into the night, jolting from my tempat tidur in frenzy. I was shaking uncontrollably. The vision had shaken me to the very core.
    I dragged myself from my room and in a mad flurry I moved deeper and deeper into our base. The cold black walls and floors held no emotion as I forged inward. I located my friend's room and barged into the warm interior. Amazingly she was still asleep, her only noticing of my erratic behavior was a slight rapid pace of her breathing, and within a detik it was back to normal.
    I sighed inwardly, in relief that Breeze was still alive and enjoying relative peace. I on the other hand was grief stricken. Breeze was in danger and odds were, I could do nothing to stop her doom.
I took a deep breath, and then exhaled. New determination burned in my soul, I would do everything in my power to bring him down.

detik generation:

Four hours later (and no sleep either, oleh the way) I rose from my tempat tidur to take a shot at my reflection.
I looked a mess, besides my blood shot eyes my fur, a usually luminescent ivory, was ruffled from last night’s exertions. I set to work, trying to fix my appearance to semi-normal. When I was done I looked at my reflection for a little while. Astounded oleh the near spitting image of my father of my father staring back at me. Besides my purple tipped quills, are combat boots and choice of golden gauntlets were the same. I shrugged and left the room.
    Walking out of my room I mumbled “Time for another day.”
If anda were me anda would have had to give yourself pep talks every now and then as well. We were living in a dangerous world. Most of it was set out to kill us. We were the only Mobians left on the planet that would dare challenge Delta-Moblius’s might. And we were hounded for it. This was our fourth base since Delta-Moblius’s arrival. Our parents had fought in vain to stop him before he had annihilated half of the world’s population. Since we were the only ones left to stop him, almost nothing could get in his way of achieving complete control.
    It was once predicated oleh Tails, that we would have a grand total of few days before Delta-Moblius would have enough power to kill us with his little finger.
    I sighed, tormenting myself with the knowledge that we wouldn’t be alive for much longer.
(Note to self: give subconscious a pep talk, Re: Better thoughts.)
    It was chilly but I forced myself down the hall. Everyone else was still asleep. I could have a few menit of peace and quiet; get a jump on the day. I glanced out of the hall windows on the way to the kitchen. I loved the view: the crisp winter, morning sunlight, the clear sky, and the fact that I couldn’t see burning cites atau evil Splicers. It was one of the few places Delta-Moblius had failed to touch.
    We were high on the mountain, safe, just my assorted family and I. Our base was shaped like a letter E turned on its side, and embedded in the crag. The bars of the E were cantilevered on stilts over a steep canyon. So whenever I looked out of the window I felt like I was floating. On a “cool” scale of one to ten our house was an easy fifteen.
    I was rustling around for food in the dapur when I heard sleepy shuffling behind me.
    “Mornin’ Ivory.”
    “Morning Aso.” I berkata as the heavy-lidded eleven-year-old Fox-Rabbit slumped at the table. I rubbed her back and planted a ciuman on the puncak, atas of her head. Aso was a sweet kid. Two floating tails billowed behind her, and she was dressed in a kemeja and a rok that were covered in grease stains. Aso was our technician and all around handy girl. With an IQ of over 200 she was often restless frequently stay up all night making little adjustments to the base, and building bombs, which she would gleefully throw at evil psychotic robots.
    Aso blinked up at me, her beautiful blue eyes round and trusting. “What’s for breakfast?” She asked sitting up, her bunny ears stuck up a little reminding me of a fluffy teddy bear.
    “Um, it’s a surprise.” I berkata since I had no idea.
    “I’ll pour juice.” She offered, and my jantung swelled, she was a sweet, sweet kid.
     Soon Shock the Echidna, tall with red-brown fur, slouched into the kitchen. Eyes closed, he fell onto our beat-up dipan, sofa with perfect aim. His bandaged-wrapped dreadlocks flapping as he tumbled.
    “Hey Shock, rise and shine.” I said
    “Bite me.” He growled sleepily. Shock was an angry little psychopath, especially in the morning and I did not want to be on the other end of those gigantic fists of his.
    I decided to let him enjoy his few moments of sleep.” Fine miss breakfast.” I was looking in the fridge with naïve hope: maybe the food peri had come, highly unlikely. Anytime we went looking for food from the outside world, we came back bloody and bruised.
    I was still shuffling through the fridge, when I felt a cold presence. The back of my neck prickled. I straightened quickly and spun around.
    “Will anda quit that!?”I yelled
    Delphian always appeared silently like that, out of nowhere. Like a dark shadow come to life. He regarded me calmly. His black bulu glistened like a black night, his hair was cropped back in a spiky style, and thick shaggy bangs covered his left eye. Purple highlights glittered the back of his quills like a glowing halo.
    Delphian was a hedge bat, half hedgehog half bat, so his purple vampire like wings increased his frightening appearance. But the most unsettling aspect of Delphian were his eyes, Purple and glowing softly. Like he was calculating the best way to take anda down in a fight.
    On his sabuk he adorned a sword entitled Demolous. The blade had a dark history, besides the bloodshed and agony it had caused it was rumored to be cursed as well. But it was one of the best weapons we had against Delta-Moblius’s army; able to rip through metal like it was soft cheese.
    “Quit what?” he asked “Breathing?”
    I rolled my eyes. “You know what.”
    With a grunt, Shock staggered upright.” I’ll make eggs,” He offered “Then I’m going to go train.” (Translation, I’m making eggs then I going to beat up helpless dummies*laughs psychotically*)
    I surveyed the kitchen. Breakfast was well underway.
    “Delphian, set the table, then wakes the others please?” I asked, “I’m going to go meditate.”
He grunted.
I’d hope it was a “Fine, whatever” grunt, not an “I’ll do whatever I want” Kind of grunt but I let it go.

A few hours later I rose from my seclusion. My head felt a little clearer and already the horrible gambar I had seen were fading away to nothing. I moved through the base, noting the absence of noise and chaos and a stack of dirty dishes lined up in the kitchen. They must be in the training room I thought. And I began the long trudge towards the inner sanctums of our base. As I walked I couldn’t help but feel that our base felt emptier than usually. Most of the adult Mobians had left on a diplomatic mission to other worlds to alert them to the plight of Delta-Moblius plan for universal domination. The only one’s that stayed behind was Shadow the Hedgehog and Tails the Fox. It was strange to see them missing from their usually places but I put the matter out of my mind.
    I soon reached the training area, since this base had lasted longer than the others we had improved greatly on defense. The mountain ranges were inconspicuous. Every technical advantage Delta-Moblius had against us was useless against billions of tons of rock. And so far we've never been detected. But just in case the Colorado Mountain was inducted with a bunch of technological safety measure that I didn't understand but hoped work.
    The training room was actually a huge obstacle course. Filled with flaming pits, hordes of training dummies and a killer cow (Don't ask)
    Standing directly in front of obstacle course-A, was our number one maverick hedgehog Wave. He was so unpredictable his parents had name him after the sea's movements. Wave was one of the fastest beings in the universe, easily traveling at the speed of sound. He shared many characteristics with his father, from his carefree attitude, to his cinta for chilidogs. There were only a few small differences. Wave’s bulu was a light purple and his quills were a lot longer, hanging over his head like a cap. But other than that he was exactly the same as Sonic. He even had his zamrud, emerald green eyes.
    Hanging from his neck was a shard of the yellow chaos emerald. Years ago, when Delta first came to power he had methodically crushed each emerald, taking from us our one power sumber and leaving us semi-helpless. Wave wears that shard as a reminder, and as a sumber of hope.
    Wave spotted me from behind. He whipped around and within a detik he was right oleh me; his face invading my personal space. “Hey buddy, what's up!” he yelled.
    Wave was seventeen years old but sometimes he acted like a little kid, always wearing that mischievous smile. I guess it was okay since he added a bit of comic relief to our depressing situation, but I really didn’t have time for him.
    “Yeah…Hi.” I replied without looking up. I guess he took the hint because he was gone selanjutnya second.
I was distracted looking for the familiar berwarna merah muda, merah muda hedgehog I had grown up with. Instead my eyes fell upon my sister, well how can I describe her? Ember was hot, as in smoking on api kind of hot. She moved with cat-like agility, slashing through dummies like they were made of cheese.
    Ember bulu was a lighter hue of white than mine. The ends of her hair were lavender and her cattail quivered with anticipation. She wore a yellow top, and purple pants and combat boots. She was shorter than me, and only fourteen, but that didn't stop from searing off your eyebrows. (Long story)
    Ember was also a api Legacy. She had inherited her skills from our mother and she wielded it with grace. She could control flames, throw gigantic fireballs and breath scorching hot fire. Her skills with api far surpassed mine, but I tried not to let it bother me too much.
    Her golden-yellow eyes fell on me and she regarded me smoothly. She spoke softly and the only words I could make out were: “You missed breakfast.” Man sisters could be annoying!
    I continued down the steps and noticed a brown ball of bulu ripping through training dummies and laughing hysterically. Well that was normal for Shock. The only member I didn't see was Breeze.
    Where could she be? Breeze practiced frantically, she honed her skills so fiercely that she could best anyone in a fight. Mastering skills of material arts and boxing in less than ten years. So where could she be now?
    Wham! I had been so busy thinking about her, I didn’t notice she was right selanjutnya to me.
    “What was that for!?” I heard her yell, as she scrambled after her headband that has scattered in the collision. Breeze was a light berwarna merah muda, merah muda hedgehog, standing at only three foot two. She was fifteen like me only a few months younger. She wore a red kemeja with her belly exposed, and pants, with white etched on the bottom cuffs. berwarna merah muda, merah muda ankle high combat boots, and golden rings on her wrists. Her best and most beautiful features of her visage were her eyes. They were startling green as if they sucked all the color out of a forest.
    My jantung did a relay race. The way her long strands of hair covered her face. How easily she carried her self. The way she was glowering at me as if wondering whether she should judo-kick me. She was smart, cute and about as fragile as a tanker truck.
    “Well are anda going to say sorry, atau do I have to memukul you.” She inquired
    “What...oh, sorry Breeze” I stammered, “I wasn't really paying attention.”
    She glared at me a detik longer. “Whatever, Elephant-head.”
    I was so dazed at the moment; I almost didn't catch the insult. Elephant-head was her nickname for me ever since I could remember. She taunted me about it, because my name was the color of an elephant's skin. And because my hair made my head look bigger than it actually is.
    “Hey!” I protested but she was already gone, leaving behind a berwarna merah muda, merah muda dust cloud. Breeze wasn't as fast as her brother atau father but she came dangerously close.
    I decided that I needed to clear my head. And the best way to do that was training. Tightening my gloves on my fist, I forced all of my attention on lifting a couple of medium size boulder out of the flaming pit. My focus points on my gloves glowed with energy. My father, Silver the hedgehog, was a telekinetic Legacy and he passed on that ability to me.
    Pushing the heated rocks into the air, I used a little of my energy to keep the rocks in that position stabilizing them from moving. I proceed to do the same with the training dummies.
    “Alright let's go!” I yelled and felt myself floating. Flying over the rocks I began to tear them apart through sheer will power. Blam! A rock became pebbles. Blam! Boulders shifted into dust. And the remains of the training dummies drifted towards the ground before they splattered on the earth, I dropped down and raised my hand. Purple beams of erupted from my palms zapping and incinerating them to char.
    Whump! Whump! Whump! Three lifeless bodies it the ground. I heaved a sigh. The effort had taken a lot out of me. Especially since I was still learning to control my powers. I turned around and noticed that something as off. Shock wasn't tearing through straw dummies and Ember wasn’t on fire. It was eerily quite and a little creepy.
    Scanning the room I found the sumber of the silence. Shock and Breeze were squaring off, it was a sparring match! Our two toughest melee fighters getting ready to throw down. It was a sumber of amusement for the freedom fighters. I flew over to the action, and landed besides the other spectators. Wave, Aso and Ember, even Delphian had consisted to watch the match.
    “Your going down this time!” Shock threatened, though I could tell oleh his eyes that he wasn’t so sure.
    Breeze scoffed at his bravado and raised her hammer eagerly. Breeze used her double-headed Piko-Piko hammer as her main weapon. Twenty pounds on each side, knife-studded and blazing hot pink. It was basically an instrument of death. The hammer plus her attitude, plus her speed and skill would send anyone running to running towards the hills.
    “If… anda can even manage to hit me.” Breeze taunted. The two stared at each other for a long time, neither willing to make the first move, but both waiting for it to come.
    Breeze shifted her body sideways, hammer on her thigh. I knew that move; the idea was to make your body a smaller target. Shock had the advantage of size and strength, but Breeze was quick and fierce, it was going to be a close fight.
    Finally one of them moved. I couldn’t see witch because they sprinting at such a quick pace. Shock and Breeze were all over of the place, when one of the kicked the other parried, I couldn’t keep up with the onslaught of blows. The fight continued to intensify. Shock was all about attack; he struck with the most power, moving with the greater part of his strength. If he were fighting anyone else they would’ve been shish kebab. But Breeze wasn’t everyone else.
    Wham! A mighty blow from Breeze’s hammer forced Shock to the other side of the room. Shock struggled to get up panting. He merpati for another attack trying to break through Breeze defenses.
    Breeze was smart, as soon as she noticed that Shock wasn’t going to play it aman, brankas she had shifted into guard mode. Rarely throwing punches and always dodging atau parrying. After a while Shock began to falter from his guerrilla attack.
    Then Breeze fought back. I could tell that Shock was totally unprepared for her counter. Her hammer had nailed Shock right in in his side. He howled with pain but recovered enough to somersault and land painfully on his knuckles.
    “Dang, Shock.” Wave komentar beside me “You’re going to let my sister beat you.”
    Shock flustered for a moment, and I was certain that he would go into berserk mode, but he regained his composure and faced Breeze with an expressed smirk. I could see the uneasiness in Breeze green eyes. Shock was not supposed to gain certainty in this fight.
    But before she could make a strategy, Shock struck. The two dance the art of combat. Their clashes so earth shattering that the entire base began to shake. It was that big a battle.
    Until finally the match came to a standstill. Shock seized Breeze oleh the scruff of her neck and hurled her towards the rocky walls of the training rooms. Fortunately for Breeze she was light on her feet, she miraculously somersaulted and clung to the walls. Breeze wasn’t quite hanging on them vertically; it was like she was sliding down but at a slower pace, I guessed it was a speed Legacy trait.
    Breeze leaped off the wall, hammer raised above her head. Shock was…well shocked. Earlier he would have dodged the hammer no problem, but he was tired and covered with wounds. The only thing he could do but heave his arm up in front of his face.
    Blam! The hammers brute strength pummeled Shock through the ground. Making an earth-shattering crater the size of a car. memukul in he middle of our training field.
    Wave and Aso hurried over to the center of the crater to check on the combatants. I soon followed. Dust rose from the crater and I saw Breeze stagger out of opening, and slump to the ground. Before I could rush over, she waved me and with signaling she was fine. I sighed inwardly and turn towards my attention towards Shock. He was being dragged out oleh Wave, and chastised for being beaten oleh a girl. But inwardly I knew Wave was happy that Shock was well. They're best friends, they did everything together. Ember was leaning over Breeze and Aso was wrapping a bandage over Shock's arm. As they chattered, Delphian leaned on a pole, a ghost of s smile touching his face.
    I sighed, even when our future was bleak, we could till have fun and be there for each other. We were basically family. But, until Delta-Moblius could be defeated, until we could stop hiding in fear, nothing would be aman, brankas for us. Our team was formed to defeat the android. We were all that stood between Delta-Moblius and Mobius
    As I began to laugh with the group I felt a disturbance it was just a rush of breathing and the sounds of footsteps, but it would destroy my life forever. Shadow the hedgehogs was running to us, and he bore a message of death
    “He has found us.” He heaved, “He is coming.”
    The war had begun.

Base attack:

    Shadow had spoken calmly, but his words rang in my ears. One clear thought proceeded above all in that one moment of utter silence. The base we had lived for the past four years was about to be demolished-and we were still in it.
    “Let's move.” I barked. Instantly the team sprang to life. In all eventualities we had prepared for this. But we weren’t ready for an assault. Boom! A vicious attack shook the mountain whatever was trying to get in was using as much effort as possible. As dust and debris littered the training room area. Shock and Wave sprinted towards the entrance, barricading it from intruders. Alarms blared, as they sauntered off.
    BOOM! The walls shook violently. The mountain was coming down whether we wanted it to atau not.
    Great, just great.
    “Come on!” Shadow cried Breeze and Ember followed him to the escape pods, and the weapons cache. Low-flying Aso trailed them with a troubled expression on her face. They all knew the plan; they would protect Aso as she prepared our ticket out.
    Me, Delphian, Shock and Wave on the other hand were diberikan the immense task of fighting off Delta's army. The echidna and hedgehog were down below, Delphian and I, floated off the ground set looks of determination on our faces.
    The thunderous activity outside had ceased. The deafening alarm silenced. Whatever was hitting us had protruded the rocky exteriors. They were all ready inside. It was eerily quite, the only sounds were the monotonous beating of Delphian's wings and my own erratic breathing.
    Crack! The doors were forced open, flying off their hinges and landed on crumpled rocks. A horde of mechanical monster known as Seribods erupted from the chasm. Hundreds of them filled the room pushing past the barricades with ease. Their deadly laser pointed at us.
    I sighed in relief, when I realized there were only Seribods in the crowd. They were weak, nothing compared to the Splicers that had attacked us before. The Seribods could only take simple commands and their bodies were riddled with weak points. The average Seribod robot stood a little over five feet, positively dwarfing us. Their heads were strange. They had long pea-shaped openings for mouths, and a corkscrew shaped head that didn't really fit their bodies. Their large guns were fused in the right arms. Yes, they were the weakest in Delta's army but they would not be easy to defeat. Especially with so many of them. The army of robots stared at us, none of them moving an inch, their guns aimed.
    Tssh! Tssh! The first shots rang. The zinging sinar, ray of the Seribod gun shot everywhere. Ricocheting off the mountain’s walls and missing me oleh inches. Their rays were deadly constructed to tear through flesh and eat away marrow. Luckily they were sluggish.
    Our biggest threat was Delta-Moblius; he had yet to tampil himself. I didn't know what his plan was but I prepared to find out. At least I thought I was.
    Shock and Wave attacked. The mindless droids didn't have a chance. The two moved in perfect sync. Shock ripped through the Seribods like they were made of jelly. Punching them in the gut and breaking their insides. Exploding through a crowd of them and laughing in pure blood lust as he ravaged their helpless bodies.
    Wave was no less brilliant. Speeding oleh as fast as lighting. Moving so fast that the Seribod's brain could barely compute what it had seen before it was thrust into oblivion. Wave fought with his powerful legs. His kicks were so severe he bended their steel coatings.
    Tssh! A laser fired at me, jolting me out of my friend’s battles. We were being joined oleh lebih Seribods. But these could fly. From the midsections up the resembled a regular Seribod except these ad two guns instead of one. They were smaller than their brethren but that only made them lebih dangerous. Tssh! Tssh! lebih lasers fired at me. I dodged them quickly and fought back.
“Flaming sphere!” I roared, focusing intensely on hand, flames sprouted from my palms, forming a tight sphere. The dancing flames began chasing the Seribods. As soon as one sphere smashed a Seribod-B it instantly melted. I took out lebih droids this way and began my assault on the ground forces. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Delphian slashing a Seribod-B in half and forming quick hands signs for Ninjutsu. A skill that only he of the freedom fighters possessed.
    “Water style: kadal foam.” A speeding jet of water exploded out of his mouth drenching the flying Seribods and causing them to short circuit. They collapsed under the water pressure littering the floor with their carcasses. Delphian floated over the chaos sheathing his sword. An indescribable look on his face. Delphian's Ninjutsu allowed him to use other Legacies temporarily. Espio the Chameleon taught him the skill because he was the only on compatible. Delphian was one of the key players in the war, because of it
    I focused on Shock and Wave. They were good. But it was only a matter of time before a laser scraped one of them. I pushed my hand in the air violently and focused my will on a strip of land containing dozens of Seribods. The land began to fold as I slowly began to ball my hand into a fist. On the ground the strip of land began to fold according to my motions. Crushing each Seribod as it rolled together. I dropped the 80-meter strip with a tremendous thud. I began panting from my own efforts. I had never lifted something so big before. But I couldn't feel sorry for myself now, there was a battle to be fought.
    Delphian was fighting a battle of his own hundreds of feet away from me. He was clustered with Seribods shooting wildly trying to target him. He spread his wings out flying and zipping through the crowd of robots. Easily dodging each of their attempts. On the ground Shock and Wave were holding there own. Fighting off hordes of Seribods while protecting each other’s backs.
    The fight was going fairly well, no one was seriously injured and we were holding our own. Either Delta-Moblius was not joining the battle, atau he was busy with something else. Unfortunately it was neither. Delta-Moblius, The scourge of the world had finally joined the battlefield.
    He was surrounding oleh a sea of Seribods as they pushed past bleachers and training equipment. Delta-Moblius was floating off the ground a smug expression on his face as he watched the scene. His eyes danced with amusement. Then the pale yellow orbs focused on me. He smiled an eerie grin and waved.
    For a second, I was shocked, The Mobian, who was responsible for billions of deaths...had waved at me, like I was his old pal atau something! Immediately my mind went into rage mode, I gathered my energy and prepared to tackle the sadist.
    But I was too late. The preparations must have been finished because Shadow had entered the fray. His aim seemed to be Delta-Moblius as well. He had synchronized his attack well, catching Delta off guard while he was busy taunting me. As his fist came closer to Delta-Moblius's head the android dodged, sweeping around right behind Shadow. Delta-Moblius kicked Shadow in the gut sending him flying. In an instant he was over at Shadows side. He struck the midnight black hedgehog in the chest, and watch as he crumpled beneath him.
    I screamed in defiance and raced towards the two, followed swiftly oleh Delphian. At that moment I couldn't believe that the Shadow I knew, was on his knees and in pain. Out of all of us Mobians fighting Shadow was one of the strongest.
    Delta-Moblius bent down oleh the panting hedgehog. “Ultimate being, eh?” I heard him mutter. Shadow tried to pull himself up, grunting with effort. But he was down for the count. Delta-Moblius was beyond cruel. He wanted to make sure Shadow would never challenge him again. I heard it before I saw it. With a single twitch of his leg Delta-Moblius broke Shadow's back. The sickening crack was devastating. I expected Shadow to scream in agony but it never escaped his lips. Shadow was gritting his teeth strong till the end.
    Delphian and I landed besides Shadow's body. The pain in his eyes was indescribable. selanjutnya to me Delphian was rigid as a rock. The hatred in Delphian purple eyes blew me away. Shadow was Delphian's father and for harming him Delta was going to pay.
    Delta-Moblius was strangely calm, as he faced us. “Well Delphian, I’m surprised anda can tampil emotion.” Delta-Moblius chided, his yellow eyes dancing.
    “Shut up!” Delphian barked “You psychotic sadist, I’m going to rip anda apart!”
    “Tut, Tut, Tut,” he replied wagging a finger “Mustn’t get violent.”
    Delphian looked like he was ready to drive his sword point through Delta's stomach. But I couldn't let him. Something did feel right about this encounter. Delta-Moblius usually never fought us with his real strength atau took us seriously. It was all about sending a message. But Delta-Moblius looked like he would kill today. Delphian wouldn’t stand a chance if his head wasn't in the right place. Delta-Moblius would kill him without blinking an eye.
    “Delphian.” I berkata “You need to get Shadow to the X-tornado, Tails can help him there.”
    “But” Delphian protested
    “No. Get Wave and Shock, and get out.” I demanded
    Delphian began to cool down enough to see the logic in my words. The whole point of fighting was stalling for time so we could escape. We couldn't do that if we were fighting toe-to- toe with the evilest being in the universe.
    He grunted and picked up his father. Shadow looked smaller than usual, like a cat that's been dunked in water. Delphian spread his wings and said: “Come back alive Ivory.”
    “I always do.” I replied as he flew away and gather the others to retreat.

In the X-tornado, Breeze was pacing the floor with worry. Shadow had left to bring the boys back almost fifteen menit ago.
She stopped her pacing when a thunderous groan sounded, shaking the mountainside. Whatever had hit them outside had left the peak barely standing. And the threat of the internal collapsing of the mountain was dangerously close to reality.
    “How much longer can she hold?” Breeze asked
    “About thirty lebih minutes.” Aso replied “That is if we don't get hit with anything big anytime soon.”
    She began fiddling with some controls, obliviously worried for the boy’s safety. Ember was off to one corner checking off supplies and weapons, a look of distracted concentration on her face. Tails was at the controls muttering about a scientific breakthrough he never got a chance to finish.
    Breeze slumped down on the table. She never thought waiting in the most technologically advanced flying jet would be so boring. She desperately wanted to gabung the battle, to have the chance to protect her friends. She stared into luar angkasa for a little longer, and became fed up with it. She shook her head in frustrations she couldn't take it anymore. If someone wasn't going to walk into that within the selanjutnya three detik she was going to sprint towards the battlefield hammer ablaze.
    'Three...' she thought staring at the sleek black doors of the jet 'Two...One!'
    Breeze grabbed her hammer and raced towards the threshold, when four bodies rolled through the sliding doors. Wave held his hands up dramatically.
    “Whoa sis, I just got back from certain death and this how anda greet me. Breeze lowered her hammer as she realized there were only four male hedgehogs and one of them was wounded.
    “This is no time for jokes Wave,” Delphian spat pushing his friend aside and laying Shadow on the middle of the table. Instantly Tails grabbed his medic kit and began to work on him. Aso, his daughter scurried to help.
    “Where's Ivory?” Ember questioned
    All male hedgehog put their heads downs. Blood pulsated from their wounds, but they weren't in any physical pain. “He stayed behind” Shock began “To fight Delta-Moblius.” Utter silence filled the X-tornado, tears began to well up in Breeze's eyes, but she pushed them away.
    “Well? Breeze questioned her voice scratchy. “What are we waiting for, Ivory buying us as much time as he can?”
    The freedom fighters looked at her in shock, but began the last preparations before take off. Breeze just stayed were she was, her dark green eyes glittered with tears. She stared at nothing in particular, as she prayed for Ivory’s safety.

    Throughout our transactions, Delta-Moblius’s gaze never left my face. It crept me out but it also reminded me of why I wanted to kill him. Revenge.
“How did anda find us?” I growled
“I have my means.” Delta smiled
We stared at each other, neither of us willing to make the first move.
“How noble of you, Ivory.” He smirked “Sacrificing yourself to save your puny friends.” He began walking kicking pieces of scattered robot parts of out his way. “You and I both know that you’re far stronger than them. What I cannot understand is why? Why must anda give up yourself to those who are weaker than you?”
“Because they’re my friends.” I retorted, my palms building up energy for an attack. “And I'll do anything to protect my friends.'
    “Even die?” He questioned “Again very noble, but also very foolish.”
    “What about you? “ I berkata trying to stall for lebih time.
    “What about me?” Delta-Moblius replied
    “What drives you?” I asked, “ Why are anda doing all this? Why do anda want to rule so much?”
    Delta-Moblius paused for a second. An expressed smirk spread on his visage, “Ivory, Ivory, you’re finally starting to learn to ask the right questions. He stared at me clearly intending not to answer any of my questions. My anger started to bubble.
    “Do anda honestly believe that anda could beat me?” He asked
    “You bet I do.” I shot back, but I wasn't so sure. Our parents had spent years running away from the control of Delta-Moblius because he was so powerful. What chance did I have against that kind of power? We stood in silence, the raging battle between Seribods versus Freedom fighters drowned out. I was only focused on him. He made the first move.
    “Push!” Delta-Moblius commanded, raising a hand.
    Instantly I was thrown backwards oleh some invisible force, the pressure had knocked the wind out of me and landed against a scattered weight set. I had never fully understood Delta-Moblius's powers. He could pindah objects with his mind like I could, but somehow it was stronger. As if he controlled gravity itself.
    “Pull!” Dozens of rocks began to pindah towards Delta-Moblius. They swirled around him forming a tornado of debris. “Push!” He shouted again. The chunks of heavy rock stored towards, me, so many I was barely able to dodge all the rocks.
    “Teleblast!” I shouted in midair. A purple arc of energy sprouted form my palms slicing in the directions of Delta-Moblius. He ducked avoiding the telekinetic energy I emitted. I huffed in exhaustion I had put all I had in the attack and he dodged it easily.
    “Is this your limit? How pitiful.” Delta-Moblius taunted
    “Argh!” I roared gathering lebih chaos energy for my selanjutnya attack “Firestorm: destructive Wave!” flames erupted from my palms. I pressed both hands on the ground and a full rolling wave of api blazed towards Delta, incinerating everything in its path. Delta-Moblius raised his arm yelling, “push” to negate the inferno.
    It seemed to be no use. Delta-Moblius was stronger than me. He was faster than me, he was smarter than me, and nothing I did phased the demon. It was like I wasn't even there.
    I tried rushing Delta-Moblius my fist filled with psychic energy, but Delta-Moblius was too strong. He grasped my wrist and jerked me towards his face. “Accept defeat.” He growled
    “Never” I spat back, but that only made him angrier
    “Push!” His hand touched my chest and I was hurled backwards oleh Delta-Moblius's might. My back slammed against the rocky walls. I screamed in pain, but before I could recover Delta-Moblius was right at my side. He grabbed neck, and began choking me. I was immobilized, trapped between a rock and a hard place.
    “Yield!” He ordered, eyes glowing dangerously red.
    “No!” I gurgled out, I would not admit defeat to this demon, and I would rather die. He continued for a few seconds, the pressure was intense, until he finally let go.
    “No matter.” Delta-Moblius spoke, his eyes returning to their unnerving shade of yellow “Mobians are stronger than humans but they are just as corrupt.”
    He paced the ground, circling me like a hiu waiting for its prey. “You asked what drives me.... My desire to destroy, it was programed in me!” The hurt in his voice was something I could not understand. For the first time since I’ve fought Delta-Moblius I’ve never seen him tampil such sentiments. But in the selanjutnya second, that emotion was gone.... the pain was gone. He went on “I want to rule Mobians, but if they continue to defy me I will destroy them.”
    “Why would anyone want to be ruled oleh you!?” I screamed, forgetting for a detik about the look I had seen on his face.
    Delta-Moblius picked me up again; he blasted a hole in the mountainside, letting in relentless winds, and the buffering rain and sleet. The storm clouds above head grumbled, and lightning cracked in the distance.
    “I am the strongest being in the world!” Delta-Moblius yelled “And I will only get stronger, so anda see why I care little about your disapproval. Mobia will fall oleh my hand.
    My mind was racing, so Delta-Moblius did plan on taking over Mobius and he was willing to step on us to do it. But not without making an example of me first.”
    “Oh I’m not going to kill you. ” Delta berkata as if membaca my mind. “Your much too fun for that. But I might as well pay a little visit to that pink-haired hedgehog.” I gasped, so he knew about Breeze, memories of my nightmare flashed through my brain. “Or maybe I’ll finish off your besotted father, after all I did kill his wife, he only deserves to gabung her-”
    Delta-Moblius didn't get a chance to finish his sentence because he was blown away oleh my power. A massive force of physic energy erupted from my body responding to my rage.
    “AAARG!” I screamed in pain and in lost, the explosion of power continued to pour through my body, decimating the mountain peak I had once called home.
    After the purple energy disappeared a lone smoky figure swath in darkness stepped forward. It was Delta-Moblius, he floated over the chasm I had created clutching his right arm that had taken most of the impact. A mixture of blood and oil spewed from the wound.
    “Hmm.” Delta-Moblius grunted as if sizing me up “You should know oleh now that I like surprises.” Delta reached out with his good hand and beckon Pull, in an instant I was in his grasp. “And anda just surprised me.”
    I wasn't following him, I had just destroyed his robotic army and almost killed him with my psychic powers and he berkata he liked it.
    “Shock!” Delta-Moblius bellowed. Electricity crackled through his veins and entered my nerve system.
Pain. Pain beyond what I’ve ever known exploded through my body. The bolt of electricity lasted only a detik but it felt like a millennium
    “You survived that...very good.” Delta spoke “I hoped to be surprised in the future as well.” I was back in his grasp, hundreds of feet in the air over sloshing chaotic river, barely able to stay conscious.
    “Have a nice swim Ivory.” Delta-Moblius cackled, “I hope anda survive it.” And I plummeted to my d

River of destiny:

    Have anda ever blacked out, atau fainted? It's not like falling asleep at all. When anda fall, anda never know the exact moment happens. anda just lie there waiting until selanjutnya thing anda know; bang it's morning.
    But when anda pass out, anda can feel yourself slipping away. It's not a good feeling. Waking up afterward isn't much better. There's a moment when you’re not really sure where anda are, atau what's going on then suddenly everything rushes back into focus and you’re snapped into reality. It's a pretty rude experience. Of course, once I was up I still didn't know where I was atau how I got there. The last thing I remember was falling off the mountain cliff when Delta-Moblius dropped me.
    I jumped slightly in exclamation; the others were still in the base when I had inadvertently destroyed in my rage. I didn't know if they escaped atau not. But jumping up in shock wasn't something my body liked. It screamed in protest, and made me gasp in pain.
    After the agony had ebbed away a little bit I began to take in my surroundings. The first thing I saw was a face. A girl's face, for a detik I thought it was Breeze. But once my brain started to click I realized this girl didn't look anything like Breeze, she was totally beautiful. (Whoa, that sounded wrong. Not that Breeze wasn't beautiful atau anything, but this girl was different)
    She was a Mobian. I'd say she was a little older than me, with ash color fur, and eyes so blue they looked like the sky. Her hair was spiked in the back and highlighted at the tips with blue. She wore a blue dress, which showed off her figure and shined all the different hues of blue anda could imagine. And she was tall, maybe and inch atau so taller than me.
    I lay flat on my back as she looked down at me with absolutely no expression. As if waiting for me to decide if she was an enemy atau not. We stayed that way for a few detik neither of us moving.
    Finally I swallowed to make sure my voice still worked and croaked out- “Where am I.”
    The girl didn't answer; she stood, and walked to a meja that occupied several of wooden bowls. She picked one up and out for me, but I didn't take it. Who knows what she was trying to give me? It could have been poison, it could have been blood, t could have been the vilest tasting substance I ever ate...broccoli.
    “It's water.” She berkata flatly.
    I took it, I was thirsty. The girl then walked over to the door and stood, staring at me with warm blue eyes. I took another gulp and looked around to get my bearings. I was inside what looked like some kind of hut. The walls seemed to made of mud. It looked like it was barely staying up. And it wasn't all that big. Maybe as wide as our living room back at the base.
    I gulped quickly and almost choked on the water. The others, I hoped with all my jantung that they were safe, and not in Delta-Moblius clutches. My jantung dropped as I remembered Shadow's body; crumpled like a rag doll. I closed my eyes to block out the painful memory.
    I glanced at the amazing girl instead. She stood there staring back. Was she a friend? An enemy? I had known idea, and I didn't know if I was anxious to find out. After a while, once I finished my, she walked over, knelt down oleh the bench I was on and gave me a smile.
    It was one of the best smiles I’ve ever received. Every inner demon inside my head instantly froze, the melted oleh the sheer awesomeness of her smile.
    “My name’s Krystal.” She berkata softly “ I found anda floating in the river.”
    Words escaped me at the moment but I was beginning to understand how I got here.
    “I-I'm Ivory and I have to get back to friends.” I gasped, “ They need me.”
    “Shh,” Krystal cooed. “It's alright, anda can go with them when you’re healed, it's alright.”
    “NO!” I yelled sitting up “You don't understand, Delta-Moblius h-he destroyed my home, and I need to get back to protect my friends.” I didn't know why I was arguing I was in immense pain. Delta-Moblius really did a number on me. My body was covered with abrasions and the lighting Delta used on me made me numb. I could barely sit up, but I couldn't just sit there for weeks, sipping water while my family was in trouble.
    A wave of pain erupted across my body. I was a black-and-blue mess. It felt like every one of my ribs had cracked. The pain was so intense it took my breath away. I tried to stand up but my legs went weak, and I had to lie back down again, atau I would have passed out.
    Krystal quickly grabbed my shoulders ad gently lowered me back down on the beam. “It's alright.” She berkata in a soothing voice. “The pain will not last long.”
    How could she know that? Unless she thought I was going to die. Great now I’m about to die, just what I needed.
    But what happened selanjutnya was nothing short of amazing. I was lying there taking short, quick breaths, because breathing normally made the pain even worse. Krystal then reached out and placed a hand on my chest. She looked into my eyes, and I swear I melted. The tension flew out of me.
    “Relax.” She berkata softly “ Breathe slowly.”
    I did. As soon as I began breathing I felt a warm substance enter my body and I saw a glowing halo of blue heat emanate from Krystal hand. I gasped and I felt better. A detik before I was hurting so bad I couldn't even cry. Now the pain was gone. Krystal turned away and started hastily putting up her wooden bowls.
    “How did anda do that?” I asked while sitting up feeling my ribs.
    “Do what?” was Krystal innocent reply.
    “Are anda kidding?” I shouted “ My ribs! I was like dying. anda touched me and poof; I’m off life support.
    “Maybe anda weren't as injured as anda thought anda were.” Krystal reasoned
    “Oh come on!” I know what pain feels like especially when it's mine.”
    “Okay, Fine!” Krystal voiced changed drastically, making me stop. Sheepishly her feet and bit her lower lip uncertain. She was hiding something that was for sure. Finally after a tense moment of silence. Krystal spoke: “I can heal people...just oleh touching them.” She cringed as if I was going to hit her.
    I sat in mild confusion. What was so bad about being able to heal someone? She was all locked up staring ahead, like she was lost in a memory.
    “So what?” I asked
    “Y-you’re not afraid of me,” she stammered
    “Why would I be?” Besides anda saved my life, how can I be afraid of you?”
    She seemed visibly relieved “It's just that some people are afraid of things that they don't understand.” She breathed.
    “I know the feeling” Even amongst the Freedom fighters I was treated different because of my powers. I debated on whether I should tell her about my telepathic atau api Legacies. But then decided to just tampil her.
    I grasped a bowl with my mind and focused on moving it towards Krystal. She didn't flinch as it gently prodded her head waiting to be received. She stared at me dumbfounded.
    “Your like me?” She half-asked
    “Yeah I’m a Mobian just like anda ar-”
    “No, that's not what I meant. “I stared at her incredulous. She hesitated for a moment.
    “I mean your special, anda can pindah stuff with…with your mind.”
    “Yeah, I’m a telekinetic Legacy and I-“
    “Legacy?” She breathed
    “There are special powers that are inherited oleh some Mobians. They are powerful assets in all types of fights, there’s a bunch of them, like speed, strength, api intelligence.”
    “And healing.”
    “Yeah and healing.”
    She stood still. Most of what I told her was still sinking in I guessed. The only sound that could be heard was the gentle jingling of the bowl poking Krystal slightly.
    “I can do something like anda as well.” She spoke, finally looking me in the eye. I paused, unless she could throw fireballs, I highly doubted she could compare to me, atau do the things I could. I was wrong.
    Softly, she moved her fingers in a circular motion. The bowl that was prodding her head instantly stopped and began to float over to me. It began furiously shoving me, waiting to be acknowledged. But I just there dumbfounded, not noticing the bowl at all.
    Not many Mobians had the telekinetic Legacy; in fact hardly anyone had that ability. The only ones I knew who could use their minds, like I could was my dad and I. It was an extremely rare ability and it was hardly ever heredity. I couldn’t membungkus, bungkus my mind over how unlikely it was that I had stumbled across another psychic.
    “Tell me your story.” I finally decided to ask. I had so many pertanyaan for Krystal and this was the bluntest way. Why would a Mobian, be living oleh herself in the middle of nowhere. Why wasn’t she on Mobius? If I could find the answer to any of my pertanyaan all of it would soon be clear.
    Krystal hesitated for a long time. Her eyes were darkened with pain, and I was about to tell her she wouldn’t have to tell me anything out of pure pity. But then she spoke. “Five years ago, I lived with my mother. I didn’t know my father; he died before I was born. My mother and I were wandering around the planet, just surviving. She taught me how to use my skills. And we were happy.” She paused reminiscing about her old life. “Then Delta-Moblius took over, he destroyed everything. He killed everything. Poisoning the rivers and setting api to the forest. I saw so many humans fall to his army. It was so horrible. And then…then he killed my mother. S-She was trying to save the humans lives. I-I re-remember his voice, it was so cold so malevolent.”
    She stopped talking shaking and breathing erratically. I kept silent; I knew the fear Delta-Moblius could cause. I even knew what it was like to watch your mother die at the hands of that demon. An encounter like that would leave anyone scarred.
    Finally she picked herself up. “He told me that murdering her was just a taste of the pain he could cause. And then he asked me to gabung him. I-I never wanted to admit this but the way spoke, it was almost hypnotic…like joining him would’ve been a good idea. I almost took his hand.”
    I was leaning in, wondering how her hardships had been averted. “But then I was stopped, oleh someone that looked exactly like you. He fought against Delta-Moblius and I was able to escaped. I-I dragged my mother’s body to our house, and then I buried her. I didn’t know how to take care of myself, so I fled for a human refugee. I was basically raised there. They didn’t accept me at first, because I was a Mobian, but I was only thirteen I couldn’t just go off oleh myself.”
    She floundered slightly then continued “I was really only accepted oleh one human, Anthony McCain. He was like a father to me. But then he was killed and I was alone again. They treated me even worse and cast me out. So I came back to Kansas. The place where my mother and I had lived for before. Before…. Before he killed her. “
    I didn’t know how to comfort her atau how to continue. This was a journey of pain and hardship. I couldn’t believe that Krystal was strong enough to relive. We needed that kind of strength on the freedom fighters.
    “Would, anda like to come with me.”
    She smiled, for what seemed like the first time in a long time. “I would cinta to.” She replied.
    “Great.” I said, groaning as I stood up. “But there one thing I need anda to do.”
    “What’s that?” She berkata puzzled
    “Get this bowl to stop hitting my head!” I laughed. And she laughed with me, and in that on moment I felt aman, brankas again. Like Delta-Moblius wasn’t a threat anymore. I felt happy, I had found a new team member and I was ready to take him on with new confidence. Delta-Moblius had set the game in motion, and I was going to make the final score.


    “Wo-Woah!” Krystal screamed at the puncak, atas of her lungs. Her eyes were wide with excitement and she was breathless with exhilaration. A lake blurred underneath us, as we flew at super high speeds. “Never flown before, eh?” I asked laughing hysterically
    “Who...the heck…has!” She heaved, out of breath, flailing her arms wildly trying to keep straight as a cold current buffeted her.
    “I do this all the time.” I said, flipping over her let the wind carry me. Hands behind my head, I began thinking of the last four days.
    They had been spent in bliss. As the leader of the freedom fighters I held a lot of responsibilities, and after awhile it began to take its toll. I was stressed, I was worried, and I was beginning to lose my mind.
    Being with Krystal overwhelmed all of that. I could be myself with her, she was like the big sister I never had. I trusted Krystal with my own life.
During my stay with her, I busied myself with helping every way I could. My strength hadn't returned so I had to keep it at a minimum. I was still groggy from floating down the river. We packed her belongings and cleaned up the hut. That little Kansas hut could get real dirty; I swept dirt off the floor for hours.
    I even helped Krystal improve her abilities. She would become the team doctor, but she still need to know how to protect herself. She had developed greatly, expanding her use of psychi quicker than I was able to. One time she was even able to push me away with a telekinetic outburst. Whenever we found the others, I would make sure to personally oversee her training.
     Delta on the other hand was the real problem. Something about the base attack wasn't right. We were in the middle of nowhere, causing no trouble. In fact our last sabotage mission had took place several months before.
    Was he wary of our growing powers? atau did he just want to eradicate us because he grew tired of our antics. I had no idea but the quicker I found the others, the quicker the problem of Delta-Moblius could be solved.
    Speaking of the freedom fighters I was still worried about them. They had escaped but there were so many unknowns. Where were they? How come I couldn't contact them? All of the freedom fighters were equipped with communicators. It was easy to carry, miniscule even. They were all shaped like head of a hedgehog, and even color decorated, mine was white. The communicator must have been pretty messed up, because I couldn't even play angry birds.
    Krystal must have notice oleh distress because she wobbled over barely keeping herself stable as she did.
    “You alright?” she inquired
    “Not exactly.” I berkata and flipped over “I’m worried about my team.”
    “The freedom fighters?” Krystal berkata “tell me about them.”
    “What do anda want to know?” I asked
    “Everything.” She pleaded, “How many are there? What do anda guys do? How do-”
    “Whoa.” I berkata “Slow down, I’ll tell anda all about it.”
    She stared at me with blue energetic eyes.
    “Okay, for starters they're lots of freedom fighters. Somewhere near the thirties. I haven't met all of them, but they all have the same goal as my team. To restore everything back to the way it was before. The group I’m in charge of has seven members. Well eight now that your here.” Krystal “huffed” appreciatively “ There's my sister Ember, you'll like her. There's Aso, she's like my little sister. She's really smart, and all. Hmm there also Delphian, he's a little weird, always oleh himself. He's super strong though. “I paused and glanced at Krystal seemed to be eating every word.
    “There's also Shock and Wave, stay way from them.”
    “Well Shock super aggressive, and Wave...well Wave's, just stay away from them.” I pleaded
    “So who's the last member?”
    “You berkata there were seven of you,” she reminded
    “Oh yeah. There's also Breeze, she’s crude she’s blunt and she’s sort of abrasive. And she can kick my butt faster than who can say ‘help me’ but once anda get to know her, she's amazingly cool. She can fight and she's sweet and nice and she make's me feel good every time I’m around her.”
    “Oh, I see. And do anda like this Breeze?”
    “O-of course like her she's my friend and I care for her.”
    “Well of course anda do. But do anda have feelings for her?” Krystal inquired, her blue eyes searching for the answer.
    “Um, umm.... I don't, I don't” my face began to reddened like a tomato. Krystal pertanyaan about Breeze made me uncomfortable. I mean of course I like Breeze. How could I not? I had grown up with her. But maybe there was something more? Something I didn't see yet.
    “Okay I see that anda don't want to answer, well what do anda guys do, besides fall off cliffs.” She laughed
    I chuckled. Glad the subject had changed. “Well we get under Delta-Moblius's skin, any and every way we can. We go on sabotage missions and protect the remaining humans. We've been active for the past three years.”
    “How did anda guys learn how to fight?” Krystal asked
    “Our parents were defeated oleh Delta-Moblius, they barely escaped with their lives. They berkata something about not being able to work together. So they trained us to. We were born fighters and were doing our best to defeat him.”
    “Sounds so noble.”
    We fell into silence. The city gleamed in the distance; the barren lands began to dissipate tampilkan the ragged remains of the city. Skyscrapers leaned against each other for support, and some dying embers littered the streets. Telephone poles were stripped down and electricity crackled from the output.
    Years ago. Delta-Moblius and his army destroyed everything and it was just now that the cities began to crumble. With hardly anyone left alive to tend to it. The infrastructure broke apart. The great city of Chicago was now a shadow of it's former self.
    It was a horrendous sight. The arid stench of the cities and the dismal surroundings would leave most people sick. The only reason we traveled this far, was the dim hope that everyone was alive. The freedom fighters commandeered many hideouts and this was our detik most used base.
    We landed; a small mouse escaped splitting along the sides of a building. Krystal screamed in fear and clutched my shoulder tightly; relax!” I yelled, “It's just a mouse.” I gently grabbed her fingers and worked on getting them untangled from my fur. “Besides.” I reasoned there much lebih out there to be afraid of.”
    TSSH! My ears perked up, as I heard the infamous familiar sound. I grabbed Krystal and flipped in the air. Jumping out of range of the blast.
    Krystal shriek as the debris smacked us towards concrete blocks. Three Seribod-B flew towards of their corkscrew heads clicking with excitement. In my wildest dreams I never imagined that Seribods would attack us. I had thought the city was abandoned.
     Tssh! Tssh! Tssh! lebih shots ran out pining us to the concrete blocks. The Seribods were in perfect sync, they didn't leave an opening for me to exploit.
    “Why are they attacking us?” Krystal screamed
    “Don't know. Their main objective is usually to kill us.” I stared into the sky trying to decipher a pattern of attack. When I discovered their order I jumped up, firing short quick burst of fireballs. The bots melted from the onslaught and fell from the sky.
    “That was unexpected.” Krystal stated
    “Yeah, that happens sometimes. anda always gotta be on your guard.”
    I wiped my hands off feeling uneasy. There was too much robotic activity around for my taste.
    “Come on let's get out of here-” SCRRECH!! A blood-curdling scream echoed through the buildings.
    At first I thought it was a woman shrieking. I listened closer, and my jantung began to pound as if confirming my worse fears. I could feel the strain in my body as my nerves grew tighter and tighter. The high pitch shriek shattered the silence of the dismal city. The sound seemed to be all around us. Its scream rang like a blacksmith's anvil against metal. The blood froze in my veins.
    It couldn't be, but I knew it was. We were faced with Splicers. Delta-Moblius's fiercest warriors. They were mercenaries, ruthless, grotesque and powerful beyond imagination. Splicers could tear a car apart, without any effort.
    I wasn't fully recovered, and fighting Splicers was a no-no. I seized Krystal hand and jerked her away. We stumbled towards several broken structures. I knew Splicers had an uncanny animistic ability to scent flesh. They were hunters, and we were their prey.
    When we reach the blockade of buildings, I turned towards Krystal.
    “When they come for us, I need anda to hide.”
    “B-but Ivory.” Krystal stammered
    “Just, do as I tell you” II interjected “I'll hold them off, and anda go and run.”
    She nodded in agreement. I faced the opening; I had picked the blockade because there was only one exit. Krystal was small enough to squeeze through the cracks and I could just fly. My plan was to escape after I held them off. But it's never that easy
    “Screech!!” The mind-blowing screech echoed, this time closer. I calculated they would reach us in a minute. It was the longest menit in my life.
    The gray sky seemed to shudder in anticipation. Sweat dripped down my head and the chilly wind whipped throughout the city. My fists were curled tight.
    Finally one lone Splicer entered my line of sight. It was an ugly thing; sparks flew off its chest as it howled into the sky. Warning, no inviting his group to dinner. The Splicer was on all fours. It's mouth open in a threatening growl. It stood up to its full height, giving me a full view of it's disfigured body. The Splicer was similar to a human skeleton. Equipped with razor sharp teeth and claws. It eyed me hungrily. It's red eyes dancing with mirth. The Splicers number one offense wasn't its claws atau it's teeth. It was its ability to paralyze its prey with fear. It had some intelligence and it knew how to hunt. Splicers were carnivores. Their teeth weren't for decoration.
    Ten detik later, two lebih joined the fray. They screamed in joy at the sight of their selanjutnya meal. Above them I noticed the unmistakable hum of a Seribod-B. No doubt recording the battle for Delta later enjoyment. The Splicers clacked to each other. Deciding which of them would attack first.
    I was breathless “Get ready to run.” I whispered, surprised that my voice came at normal.
    The robots seemed to have settled their dispute. The big one who appeared to be the leader. It launched itself at me claws outstretched.
    I threw my hands in front of me. api sprouted from my palms, engulfing the Splicer. It screeched in pain and began withering. There was one good thing about Splicers. They could hurt.
    “Teleblast!” the psychi energy flew out of my palms, Cutting the Splicer in half. It's body pieces struggled for a detik and then fell silent. I looked at my fingertip confused. Since when did I have so much power? I shook my head dazed, now wasn’t the time to think about that.
    “Now Krystal, RUN!”I heard her scramble and run towards.... towards me
    “Okay Ivory I’m here.” she yelped
    “This is not hiding.”
    “I am not leaving you. “She reasoned
    “Fine, just stay behind me.”
    The remaining Splicers hissed in protest, their red eyes glaring at me angrily. They circled near the entrance, planning something. The two attacked me together, snarling. I enveloped my palms with psychi energy; I held them off, parrying their ferocious attacks. Their claws ricocheted of my energy fists and I pushed them back. There as no way I could fight them both without worrying about Krystal.
    “Fire wall!” I roared, a searing dinding of flame sprouted from my palms, separating Krystal from the Splicers and me. Some satisfaction rested in me as I succeeded in cutting her off. The Splicers on the other hand were furious. One lashed out. Scraping my arm. Blood welled from the wound, gushing red all over my light fur. I gritted my teeth in pain and countered.
    “Take this!” Enveloping my fist in psychic energy. I punched a Splicer in the face, earning a much-appreciated roar of pain. Jumping out of the way of the detik Splicers claws I landed on a building. I huffed, breathing heavily. I wasn't fully recovered, and the injury wasn't helping. It was only a matter of time before I made a mistake and ended up, shish kebab.
    Screech! The detik splicer bellowed lunging at me. I threw my hands up, waiting for the pain.
    Zlash! I heard the impact but I didn't feel the razor sharp claws tear into me.
    “What the-” I started.
    Above me, an ebony Mobian stood, deflecting the swipe of the Splicer. He's arms shook slightly as he expended force. It was Delphian!
    “What's wrong with anda today, your normally not this bad.” Delphian grunted.
    The first thought my head was, HEY! But in the end I got over it. Delphian had just
 Breeze the hedgehog
Breeze the hedgehog
 Aso Prower
Aso Prower
 Shock the echidna
Shock the echidna
 Delphian the hedgebat
Delphian the hedgebat
 Wave the hedgehog
Wave the hedgehog
 Ember the hedgecat
Ember the hedgecat
 Krystal the hedgehog
Krystal the hedgehog
It is midnight and a young man comes halaman awal from a long party. He enters the house and calls out a woman’s name…he gets no reply. He cautiously enters the bedroom and sees no one there. He notices the bathroom lights are on, and goes to investigate.

When he enters the bathroom and stops short in front of the bathtub, staring at the woman whose name he had been calling, dead in the bath.

The story beings with our protagonist, Garinina, asleep. She is awoken oleh a phone call. She looks at her clock, which reads “3:37 a.m.”

Groggily, she wakes up to answer the call.

Garinina Blue: “What...
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posted by FaiyaDreamz
Name: Frost
Age: 15
Nickname: n/a
Stereotypes: n/a
Race: Norwegian and American
Hometown: Remote Antartica
Birthdate: December 1
Astrological sign: Sagittarius
Species: Wolf
Gender: Male
Religion: Uknown
Allergies: Volcanic ash
Sexual Preference: Females
Occupation: Fishing
Theme: Memories - Panic! at the Disco
Personal quote: n/a
Describe his voice: Soothing naturally abit high and raspy
Weapon of choice: Kama

When anda first meet them: Indifferent smile and handshake
When anda get to know them (and he likes you): polite and respectful.
When anda get to know them (and he...
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1: Captured
In a distant laboratory, all was silent. Not even the slightest whisper of sound dared penetrate the thick, peaceful yet intimidating silence. Suddenly, a green Pokemon stepped foreword. Its body was battered and bleeding, and its breathing was ragged and came in quick, raspy pants. The Pokemon gave all appearances of being a Pikachu, but its tail had a black tip and the black part on its ears poked out into triangles. “Haven’t anda had enough?” Giovanni asked, smirking from his hinggap, bertengger in his leather chair as he watched in cold amusement the Pikachus’ flanks heave in effort...
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posted by gyrothehedgehog
Character Chart--Nitro
Character’s full name: Nitrogen
Reason atau meaning of name: he asked Lucifer to name him, and that is what he chose since he is nice yet a bit sadistic
Character’s nickname: Nitro
Reason for nickname: he was nicknamed oleh Xavier(Lucifer’s brother) because it was easier for him to say and it stuck
Birth date: unknown
Gender: Male
Theme: I’m So Sick by: Flyleaf

Age: 12
How old does he/she appear: 12
Weight: unknown
Height: unknown
Body build: n/a
Shape of face: n/a
Eye color: one eye is green, one eye is red
Glasses atau contacts: n/a
Skin tone(muzzle color?): green
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This could have been diposting earlier, but the internet hates me. ;w;

I felt as if I was running in a straight, continuess line, until I colapsed into the soil. And I just sat there in the quiet forest, and cried.
"It wasn't his fault! It was me! Me! I did it... that is why... I am so sorry. So... sorry...!"
"For what?" I stopped beathing with a gasp and a head toss up-ward. "Wh-what?"
"Why are anda here, in the wet dirt, crying so harshly?"
I stared at the girl for a while. She had a pretty face, that was caressed oleh what seemed to oleh bright flames. Her eyes were a peircing blue. And,...
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posted by SierraDawnV2
Yxari Acid Facts

The blood is about 75% percent acid, the rest mortal blood, however, if Yxari is injured, the acid acts as a healing agent, but only if it's fatal, such as impalement. 
 The acid tries to fully take over the blood stream, which is what the medication is for. If it does manage to seize control and hit the heart, Yxari would lose her 'humanity' for an indefinite amount of time. She would become a heartless savage unless some form of the medication was injected into the bloodstream. 
 This very same acid helps fight off disease and infection, making acid monsters the healthiest...
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posted by ShadowChaos
Name: Twilight Owen Metal, "Twilight the Hedgehog"
Species: Hedgehog
Sex: Male
Powers: Flight, Levitation
Weird things about Him: He turns into a werehog every now and then
Things he Likes: Food, Family, Friends, Running, too many lebih to write down
Things he Hates: Villains, Me (Shadow the Hedgehog) I don't understand why, I got his memory back for him for crying out loud! Again too many lebih to write
Family: Silver the Hedgehog (Older Brother) don't know any other family members
Sort Bio: One hari Twilight wakes and doesn't remember anything, his friends tell him to find me to help him get his memory back, we find out that his older brother is Silver, and he has to save the world oleh himself. (No fair!)
Well anda see the back story of this was....
Anvex the Lynx and Harlem the Cat lived together on the island of Lovana now known as Wednesdayland(which it should be obvious who is the current queen of there) They got married and had a child who was named Sisiro the Cat. Harlem was a maid and high advisor and sorta best friend of the last queen of Lovana, Sunset Shocker the Hedgehog. Anvex was the court magician. So when Sisiro was 5, Anvex left her and Harlem without saying anything. Harlem went into a total state of shock and desperately wrote a letter pleading him to return. So this was the...
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"WE'LL BE LEAVING tommorrow." Storm remarked. "This isn't a good neighborhood, anda know?"
Windy sat on the couch. Spike had been left on the tempat tidur to rest upstairs.
"So when did anda two start traveling together?" Windy asked.
Storm scratched her head.
"You know, I really can't remember." Kitty berkata as she was making a sandwitch, "It's been so long. Do anda remember Storm?"
Storm looked up as if in thought.
"Yea, but it's a story for another day," She said.
Windy looked down. She got up and started walking twoard the door.
"Be right back," she told them, "I just need some fresh air."
Storm followed her....
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posted by sydni2001
February 4,2012
[i] There's not much news today,but here's
something interesting!Mimi is dating Connie's
(A.K.A my best friend)son! jay says that Mimi is
afun,competitive,Rainbow loving freak!Even though I still cinta her with all my heart!I couldn't wish
for a better girlfriend!I cinta her with my life!He berkata that if their relationship continues,they hope
to get married on day!They even added that they
would like to maybe have kids,too!I asked them how many, and their response was at least one!This
really did surprise me because the last thing I
would expect is kids!And the marriage thing as
well!I mean, they are so different!Mimi is a
beautiful and creative person!And jay thinks he's
sexy!(IDK if he is sexy atau not)Well,There's not
much lebih to say,so I guess this is the end for
In a world deprived of happiness and beauty; the townspeople that are not filthy rich are scolded, threatened, bullied and their freedoms are taken down to a real low. Especially the cross-breads and angels. In this town of misery for the weak; there are a few that secretly plan and sabotage the governing body that, of coarse, are called the freedom fighters. Luckily, the freedom fighters have a rich harimau kumbang, panther ally along with her two-tailed cat butler. They're names are Yogi the harimau kumbang, panther and Gant the two-tailed cat. There are two main leaders of the freedom fighters; Slick the hedgefoxcat and Dash the echidfoxcat, both cross-breads and hated for it. They're selanjutnya plan is to infatrait an army base and rescue a tortured and used Yuki the angelbat for her electrical powers. What is ahead of these freedom fighters? What will be the outcome? That'll have to wait to be decided.~

I'm...I'm sorry.
I caused anda lebih pain than I wanted to
Go back to Kureij,
I know anda can.

Don't worry about me atau Lucy,
We're going back to China,
there's nothing left for us here.
If it helps...
I didn't want it to end like this so suddenly,
but it had to happen,
again...I'm sorry
If you're membaca this and Kureij is with you,
No doubt,
He probably is,
Tell him I'm still sorry, too.
If May atau Kazuki are wondering where I am,
Tell them not to worry,
Tell them I'm safe.
I wanted to say goodbye in person but,
It's painful.
Too painful now,
I'll go talk to Momomi...
see if he can...
fix me.

Before I forget you, Jero-sama...

I still cinta you
Chapter Thirteen: The selanjutnya File Part four: Server One
Location: Warehouse, Downtown Lexistropolis
Date: Saturday, December 16th 4337
Time: 4:42 P.M.

Lizzy Eventide lay on the ground, motionless. The metallic material, as well as the sound material were gone. All that remained was the corrupted “blank element”, coursing through her. The agent walked over to her, then gave her a large nudge. She didn’t move. He pushed her onto her side, and even slapped her face, but she still didn’t move.

He was convinced. The agent triumphantly picked up the motionless feline, then reached into his coat,...
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posted by shadowknuxgirl
(sorry this took so long, but my computer is a b*tch TwT")

"Let her go!!!!" Shock screamed. "Gladly......" replied G-Sil. *plop* Silhouette had been dropped into the lake. "NO!!!!!!!!" they all shouted. They rushed over to the lake and G-Sil fled the scene to cause lebih chaos. "We're gonna have to go in after her." berkata Rico. They all agreed and jumped in. V2 and Claws were the first to emerge from the lake. "Did anda find her?" asked Claws. "Nope" replied V2. Prime and Rico then emerged with Shock and Silhouette. "We found her!" berkata Prime. Silhouette was soaking wet, and they couldn't wake her up. "Wait, I have an idea..." berkata Shock.........

Stay tuned for part 6!!!!!!!!!
(FC's belong to original owners!)
posted by zougethebat1
Shock,Natsumi,Emily,Breeze,Extreme and Whirlwind were in the park when they looked up and saw Zouge flying in the sky."Hi Zouge."Natsumi yelled but Zouge didn't answer.They decided to fallow her.They fallow her intill they came to this huge building.The building was red,green and was decarted in pretty light."Were are we?"Shock asked "I don't know but it's very cold here."Breeze berkata as she tried to keep herself warm."Oh stop complaining and lets go"Extreme berkata as he used hes api power to keep everbody warm.They went toward the coloerful building to see what was inside.What they saw selanjutnya amazed them.
I will write an artikel not focused on war becuase of the baru saja uproars about the psycopathy of some.
Heh, psycopathy...
A man in a very nice tuxedo drove his car into a garage.
Now, to be clear, this was no ordinary man, tuxedo, atau car.
This was Mr. Traesly, in a Derrek Mortuary tuxedo, driving a Derrek Mortuary mobil jenazah, hearse into the garasi of the Derrek Mortuary Home.
I want to make it very clear this man was virtually owned oleh this company.
He parked and shut off the hearse, climbing out and typing a code onto a panel-
-Opening a hatch beneath the mobil jenazah, hearse and reaching into...
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This is an opinionated guide, folks, it's my opinion, so stfu.

OK, let's start with desain and illustration, don't go to TeamArtail, find a good screenshot and colour over it, don't use a base everyone else has used over 1000 times, I will say, if you're having a hard time with a pose, look for a resource image and copy the pose from that. Spines are ok, as long as they aren't exactly like Sonic's, that's been done. TO DEATH. DO NOT GIVE YOUR CHARACTER 2 rubah, fox TAILS, I'll explain lebih on that later.

Next off, let's try naming, don't give your character six names, the maximum is three; First name,...
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I jumped up and gasped. I was in my bed. It was a dream. "Freaky dream," I berkata to myself. it was only 10:58 AM, and I was sleeping. I jumped out of my tree.
I wondered if that masked man with the honey luak, lumba-lumba face had been doing anything crazy atau senseless. Of course, I couldn't assume that he actually had a honey luak, lumba-lumba face, because that was a dream. I flew over a cemetery, then stopped. I flew down.
In front of one of a tomb stone that said, "Chris the Mechahog 2011-2011", There was a big hole in the ground. I had not the slightest idea of wh0 he was. I then saw a rustle in a bush. I ran...
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WHERE WE LEFT OFF.... Nah, I'm not tellin.
A FEW HOURS LATER... "Help... Ummm... Halp... Screw this, I'm going to sleep." Chris said, after 3 hours of shouting for help. EVEN LATER... Chris had woken up. He yawned. "Where am I?" He asked, not expecting a response. "Ah, your up. Your at the Fan-Freedom Fighters base." berkata a dog wearing a bandana. Chris got a confused look on his face. "Shock? How'd anda get me?" Chris asked. "I noticed what was happening, and I was going everywhere to see if everyone was okay. I found you, and brought anda here....
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posted by shadowknuxgirl
Once everyone was inside, they talked some more, and Silhouette spoke "Settle down, settle down! I was glad that anda could all make it! Now as promised, come with me to the dining room to eat dinner." Silhouette guided the way to the dining room. To everyone's surprise, three people were already sitting in some of the seats. It was Kiseki, Dark Drum and Amethyst. Shion thought to himself "thats who I saw in the window......" At that moment a girl named Tokyo (a dancer) burst out of the kitchen. She spoke "Um....Silhouette... Me and Kimi need your help in the kitchen!" Silhouette berkata " I'll...
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