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hey guys! I was inspired oleh Canada24's daftar of his favorit (and least favorite) works of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fanfiction to write up my own daftar as well. However, I don't really want to trash on anyone's stories, so I'm just going to do my favorites, but to make up for only discussing the favorites, I'll daftar lebih stories. My puncak, atas 15, as the judul implied. Just a warning, I know some people aren't as big readers as myself, and don't want to read these long fics, but please at least look at what I have to say about them. As a warning though the shortest of my puncak, atas 15 is 60,000+ words long. In addition to the judul and author, I will also be prefacing my thoughts with a tag-list and chapter count, so people can get a quick idea of how interested they might be before they read what I think. Alrighty then, let's jump into it!

15. The Moonstone Cup oleh Cyanide

Tags: Adventure
Chapters: 22, including the epilogue and side story
Starting off my daftar is a return to the days when Twilight was just a badass unicorn instead of a frickin' GOD. The gist of the story is that Twilight competes in the largest magic competition in the land, an event which unites the various races of Equestria, including not just ponies but also diamond anjing and dragons. Although there's a lot of political intrigue involving the different races, and a Trixie subplot, where this story shines is in the competition scenes. Specifically, in the magic duels. Seriously, I'd say the fic is worth membaca if only to get to those parts. Not that anda shouldn't read the whole thing, but they really are the best part. What keeps this story at the bottom of the daftar is the ending. It felt heavy-handed and almost out of place, not to mention that the menulis made the final action scene difficult to follow, leaving me wondering "Wait, what?" during the resolution of berkata scene. But the rest of the story is solid enough to warrant this spot on the list.
Link: link

14. Arrow 18 Mission Logs: Lone Ranger oleh AdmiralTigerclaw

Tags: Adventure, Human, Sci-Fi
Chapters: 16, including the short correspondence bits
Now this was a story that for a long time just kept popping up when I would look for fics to read, but I just wouldn't read it for two reasons. For one, it's a Human in Equestria, atau HiE story, which I'm usually not a fan of. Secondly, the artwork for cover looked like every generic sci-fi story ever. Eventually though, I bucked up and read it, and boy am I glad. For one, it's written oleh an actual rocket scientist, so all his science checks out (assuming of course that pony magic works as he describes). Second, the story is fantastic. Essentially, it's about this astronaut who has been sent on a one-man mission to investigate an astronomical phenomenon in a distant bintang system. A system in which the bintang is orbiting a much smaller planet. Sound familiar? He ends up discovering life on this planet (I wonder what it could be?). The entire story is told through his on-board mission logs and correspondence pieces back and forth between members of the ground crew on Earth. I don't wanna spoil much of what happens, but seriously it's really good. Third, this guy made 3D modeled pictures of the ships and their maneuvers which he's embedded in the story, and he created some musik to go along with certain parts as well. Definitely worth checking out. (Oh, also there's an unfinished sequel but that's not important.)
Link: link

13. Vinyl and Octavia: universitas Days oleh DawnFade

Tags: Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life
Chapters: 22, including the epilogue
"Oh my GAWD, did triq really include a SHIPFIC in this list?!?" Why yes I did. But honestly this story is too good not to include. I'm actually currently re-reading through it right now to celebrate starting university. This is easily my favorit shipfic (well okay so there's one other higher on this daftar but I like that one for other reasons), and it's what made me not hate ScratchTavia as a ship. I cinta DawnFade's interpretation of all the characters, and he works in several OCs in ways I don't hate. Several of the jokes had me laughing out loud, and my chest actually tightens every time I get to Vinyl and Tavi's first ciuman (spoilers for a 4-year old shipfic). The first time I read it, I couldn't put it down and spent the whole afternoon reading, at a time when I would normally read my longer fanfics no lebih than 3 chapters at a time. There's only one other penulis who has made me care this deeply about whether atau not a relationship in a fanfic will work out, and that other story is my #1. Oh, and if anda don't have a problem with light lesbian horse sex, DawnFade's link fills in some of the missing scenes from the story where sex was happening "off-screen". Plus, not only is the story great, but it inspired a link link link link and link link link link link link. (Each of those words is a separate link to a separate fanwork btw.) The only ScratchTavia piece that comes close to this is Allegrezza, which I would also recommend, but that one doesn't break my puncak, atas 15 like universitas Days.
Link: link

12. The Dresden Fillies: Strange Friends oleh psychicscubadiver

Tags: Adventure, Comedy, Crossover
Chapters: 13, including the prologue
I'll be frank with you, I'd never even heard of The Dresden Files before I read this fic. But The Dresden Fillies made me interested. Still haven't gotten around to actually membaca them though. But regardless. This is a crossover done right. The character of Harry Dresden is played (from what I hear) exactly as he is in the original novels, and the way he ends up in Equestria makes perfect sense based on the world the buku take place in. Surprisingly, the crossover character (Harry) and the cliche antagonist (Trixie) are the two best played characters in this story. I definitely recommend this story to any fan of The Dresden Files, atau of any other similar works like Grimm atau Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Really just stands out as being the most well done Human in Equestria crossover I've seen. (There's also a sequel I haven't read but who cares.)
Link: link

11. Mendacity oleh Dromicosuchus

Tags: Adventure, Romance
Chapters: 13, including the epilogue
Forget the Romance tag, this isn't even a shipfic. It's only got that tag because Bon Bon goes on this EPIC quest to save Lyra. Now that that's out of the way, on to the story. Basically, (spoiler for a 4-year old fic that reveals this in the first chapter) the reason Bon Bon has a different voice every time she appears is because she's a Changeling named Mendax. Nobody knows this. But when Lyra is controlled oleh Chrysalis during the Changeling invasion of Canterlot, Bon Bon/Mendax goes on a quest to get her back, even if it means risking it all. This story wonderfully blends the mythology of the tampil with ancient Celtic mythology, specifically myths about fae. Plus it introduces a new race, kelpies, which were semi-popular in the fandom for a while. The most important kelpie is Bon Bon's travelling companion, link, and I feel like she's maybe my favorit part of this fic. When she was first introduced, she was easily my least favorit character. But she grew on me. And even now that it's been years since I first read this fic, I still remember her, despite her starting off as my least favorite. I guess anda could say she stuck with me. You'll get that joke if anda read the fic. This is also the fic that link incredible picture is from, and the fic which gave me the song I think of whenever I need to link. Oh, and it features one of my favorit pieces of changeling fanon, which also ties in to Aldrovanda's existential crisis, which is another of my favorit parts of this story. Anyways, this is definitely a must-read from me.
Link: link

10. Night Guards oleh Raugos

Tags: Adventure
Chapters: 12, including the author's note and the bonus chapters
This is the story of Hammer and Anvil, the batpony guards seen in "Luna Eclipsed". Like there's so much I want to say about this story but I can't because I don't want to spoil some of this stuff because it really doesn't hit as hard if anda know what's coming. I would definitely suggest that everyone read through the whole thing, including the bonus chapters, because even though they aren't a necessity for the story, they do tie up some loose ends. Sorry for not saying more, but just know that that's only because I want anda all to read it.
Link: link

9. On a menyeberang, salib and Arrow oleh Conner Cogwork

Tags: Adventure, Comedy, Romance
Chapters: 12, including the lead-in to the unfinished sequel
anda guys have probably seen r63, atau genderbent, versions of characters from the show, right? Ever notice how they all seem to be the same interpretations despite being portrayed oleh different people? Ever wonder why? Well that's because they're all from this little beauty. The epitome of the "Twilight screws up a spell" genre, this story stands out as the only time it's okay for Rarity to fall in cinta with herself. The characters may not be played exactly like they are in the show, but Conner makes it work with his humor and penchant for putting ponies in awkward predicaments. Oh, and it's an alternate realities fic that isn't TOTALLY convoluted. Just a bit convoluted. Easily one of the funniest fics I've read. Oh, and +50 points for the Ace Attorney references in there.
Link: link

8. The Sisters Doo oleh Ponky

Tags: Adventure, Comedy
Chapters: 22, including the epilogue
It's a simple concept. What if Daring Do and Ditzy Doo were sisters? But it's done so fantastically well. Daring is well done. pelangi is well done. And this is easily my detik favorit characterization of Derpy/Ditzy in any fic ever. Bonus points go to this story for calling that the Daring Do buku were real a tahun before "Daring Don't" aired. This story does a good job of tampilkan real character conflict, and of integrating several different mythologies, including the works of Lewis Carol. Seriously, I memorized Lewis Carol's "Jabberwocky" because of this fic. There are two side stories to this fic which begin and end over the course of the main story, but I didn't read those. One follows Dinky and the CMCs, the other follows Twilight and Pinkie, and in the end you'll find out that membaca those was actually really important I guess? Whatever, I still cinta this fic anyway. Don't worry, it's Wabe-tter than I'm making it sound. (God that pun was so bad and none of anda are even going to get it.) Oh and also Lyra from Background Pony makes a cameo. atau wait... who was I talking about again?
Link: link

7. Anthropology oleh JasonTheHuman

Tags: Adventure, Comedy, Human, Slice of Life
Chapters: 31
Yet another fic I marathon-ed, although I still wasn't able to get through the whole thing in one day. But this is an iconic fic. In fact, many of anda have probably heard of it. atau at least the link it inspired. This is THE Lyra fic. The ONLY one. I'm pretty sure I'd remember if there were more. A blogpost on EqD from like years yang lalu once listed this fic as one of the puncak, atas 5 most influential fics in the history of the fandom, and for good reason. This is the quintessential Lyra/humans fic. When I first read this I didn't know much about it, and there's something that happens pretty early on which guides the entire rest of the story that I was not expecting at all which completely threw me off. Bonus points for having several human characters I don't hate, minus bonus points though because none of those people are nearly freaked out enough oleh the things that happen over the course of the story. Still a great read and an important piece of fandom history. Oh also there's a non-canon side story which was created oleh JasonTheHuman for April 1st and initially uploaded in place of Chapter 18 in the story, and which still makes me giggle a little, titled link.
Link: link

6. It Takes a Village oleh determamfidd

Tags: Adventure, Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life
Chapters: 17, including the epilogue
It may shock all of anda that a SPIKE-centric fic is this high on my list. But it's a good one. Basically, Spike has grown up, and is now link. Not only does this lead to problems with his living in Ponyville, but also with the fact that he's pretty close to the territory of that one dragon from "Owl's Well that Ends Well". But his friends band together to protect him both from ponies who want him gone, and the angry dragon who wants him dead. It goes high on this daftar for being the first fic that made me care about Spike, and for the epic dragon fight scene which made me actually think Spike was cool for once. The thing which keeps this story out of my puncak, atas 5 is the epilogue. Over the course of the story, there is some light shipping. Just a little bit, and it's handled alright. Until the epilogue that is, which is seriously the worst handling of shipping I've seen in my entire life. Honestly, I feel this fic is better if anda don't read the epilogue. I mean anda can if anda read the fic and REALLY want to know how the relationships end, but it probably won't be worth it in my opinion. But don't make that keep anda from membaca the fic. It's still great.
Link: link

5. My Little Alicorn oleh InsertAuthorHere

Tags: Gore, Comedy, Dark, Sad, Slice of Life
Chapters: 18, including the toned-down version of chapter 15
This fic begins as a funny, lighthearted fic where Luna plays a prank on Celestia and turns her into a filly. It continues this path until anda learn lebih about the pony who created the spell Luna used and all of a sudden the story becomes DARK AS FUCK. Like seriously anda may have noticed in the chapter count I mentioned a toned-down version of chapter 15, that's because InsertAuthorHere had to publikasi two versions of that chapter because people were so upset oleh how gory and dark that chapter was that they refused to keep reading. This story also includes my detik favorit interpretation of Pinkie Sense, but I don't want to explain it because the reveal, although the reader can totally see it coming, is still pretty great. Bonus points for the fact that anda only have to read one version of chapter 15, and unless anda have serious problems with gore/dark material, anda should read the original because yeah it's dark but it's done so well. Also bonus points for having a villain who legitimately believes he's doing the right thing. I can't tell anda enough how much this story defied my expectations, so go read it. anda won't be disappointed. (Oh there's also a sequel anda shouldn't bother reading)
Link: link

4. Past Sins oleh Pen Stroke

Tags: Alternate Universe, Dark, Sad, Slice of Life
Chapters: 22, including the prelude
Here we have another one of the fics featured in that one EqD artikel about the most influential fics in the fandom. This fic gave us link, an OC I wouldn't be surprised if you'd heard of. She is essentially the product of a cult attempting to summon Nightmare Moon, and getting interrupted mid-way through. The pseudo-mother/daughter relationship Twilight and Nyx have is extremely well done, and it makes the later chapters of the story oh-so heart-wrenching (you may have noticed Twilight standing on the gallows in the cover art). The story does tend to get dark at times, but not as dark as either My Little Alicorn atau my #1 choice. This is another story I really don't want to spoil too much of though, so that's all the thoughts I have to give for now. Oh, wait, also before I forget I want to say I really like how Pen Stroke interprets "star beasts" in this story. My fanon about that is built on his vision.
Link: link

3. Keeping It Simple oleh Ivory Piano

Tags: Comedy, Slice of Life
Chapters: 20
Eeyup, I included another shipfic on the list. AND it's one about Big Mac. But the shipping isn't why I cinta this fic. Before I get into the details, I'd like to mention that this is my most recently read fic (re-reading universitas Days notwithstanding), and it's already smashed its way into my #3 favorit fic spot. Plot-wise, this is a fic about what would happen if Mac were too severely injured to work on Sweet apel, apple Acres for an extended period of time. Shipping ensues. Now here's the problem with discussing this fic. I refuse to tell anda who Big Mac is shipped with. Because that's half the fun of the story. Right up until the very end, anda don't know who Mac is going to end up with. It could conceivably be any of the various characters presented as potential cinta interests. I will assuage your fears though oleh assuring anda he ends up with a mare. That's part of why I cinta this fic so much though is that Ivory piano does a great job of making sure that any of the potential cinta interests seem like viable choices to the reader at any diberikan time. I also cinta the background he gives for Big Mac, and although part of me feels like some of the decisions Mac makes in the course of the story are very OoC, the other part of me acknowledges how spot-on Mac is played at other times. Also bonus points for Braeburn. (There's also an unfinished sequel but who cares?)
Link: link

2. The Steadfast Sky oleh TheGreyPotter

Tags: Adventure
Chapters: 79, including the post-Overcast scene and the Hearth's Warming special
This fic seeks to explain the backstory for Equestria, the Elements of Harmony, Celestia, Luna, and Discord. Although completely rekt oleh the events of Season 4, the story is still fantastic. I really can't tell anda my favorit parts because I refuse to spoil those for anyone, but just know that this story features young Celestia, Luna, and Discord going on an epic quest to save Equestria from an evil unicorn who seems very similar to Sombra despite being created almost a tahun before Sombra was revealed. The early chapters especially act as a sort of bildungsroman for the party, and later chapters have some of the coolest interpretations and explanations for things in the tampil I've ever seen. This is also the only time LunaCord is okay. Bonus points for Gen 1 Smooze. TheGreyPotter is also currently menulis a non-pony version of the story, which I have no interest in, but it's there if someone wanted that for some reason. I'd recommend this story to anyone who enjoys well-done world building.
Link: link

1. Fallout: Equestria oleh kkat

Tags: Gore, Adventure, Crossover, Dark
Chapters: 49, including the intro, prologue, epilogue, and afterword
Anyone who knows me should have seen this coming a mile away. I cinta Fo:E so much. And so do tons of other people. Heck, check out link to see all the incredible pieces of fan content just for this fic that come out every day. I'm just gonna drop link link link link link here. Oh, and there's also a bunch of musik out there, and a fan-created link in the works. This fic is easily my favorit of all time, and despite its length I've re-read it twice. Like my phone lockscreen is the Stable-Tec logo and the wallpaper is the Ministry of Wartime Technology logo. I'm already a big fan of Fallout, so it makes sense I'd cinta this story, but anda don't have to be a Fallout fan to enjoy it. One of my brony friends who's never played a Fallout game in his life also considers this to be his favorit fic. The party members are so memorable, and kkat makes anda seriously care about every single one. I don't know if there will ever be another fic which makes me care about its main character lebih than I did about Littlepip. atau Calamity, Velvet Remedy, SteelHooves, Xenith, atau even frickin' Pyrelight. One thing to note is that this isn't a straight crossover like The Dresden Fillies was. This is lebih of a thematic crossover. Basically, the story is set in an Equestria in which there was a huge war in the past which obliterated both sides, and the story involves characters living hundreds of years later trying to survive this post-apocalyptic Equestria, very similar to the post-apocalyptic United States of the Fallout series. Several of the factions and plot points in Fo:E are very clearly based on factions and events in Fallout. The Steel Rangers are very clearly based on the Brotherhood of Steel, Stable-Tec is clearly based on Vault-Tec, and Friendship City borrows heavily from Rivet City. But kkat makes it her own and makes them different enough that even knowing those similarities you'll have a hard time predicting what happens. This story is one that has stuck with me since I first read it. When playing the Fallout games I'll still sometimes accidentally refer to the Brotherhood as Steel Rangers, atau to my Pip-Boy as a Pip-Buck. I can never hear the word "calamity" without thinking of Calamity. One of my favorit parts of this story though is an aspect it does borrow very effectively from Fallout, that being learning what happened in the past slowly oleh finding things, such as recordings, personal effects, atau bodies, all throughout the Wasteland. I'll never forget what happened to some of the characters from the tampil within Fo:E. This is also that fic I alluded to earlier about a fic making me care about whether a relationship worked out, that being the relationship between Littlepip and Homage (yeah spoilers she doesn't end up with Velvet who could've guessed). That ties in to another point about this fic. It's inspired a LOT of derivative fanfiction. The most populer is probably Project Horizons, but I don't like Project Horizons as much as many others seem to. The only must-read side story anyone has written that I'd suggest is link, but that one contains light lesbian horse sex so watch out. But it's also so well done and fills in some holes (no pun intended) in the story behind Littlepip and Homage's relationship so perfectly that kkat actually went on the record as saying A Mare Worth Fighting For is the only fan-made side story which is canon within Fo:E. Anyways, my point is, this is my favorit fanfic of all time, and I would recommend anyone read this. (Ooh, and as a side note, kkat originally started menulis this to get some of her friends who were fan of Fallout into MLP, so anda don't even need to be a brony to like this.)
Link: link

Well guys, that was my daftar of my puncak, atas 15 works of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fanfiction. I hope anda guys enjoyed, and if anda have anything anda want to say, don't hesitate to komentar with your thoughts. Thank you, and have a nice day.
posted by Dragon4322
 Haunted house
Haunted house
Scootaloo had always heard from her sister, pelangi Dash, that there was a haunted house in Ponyville. One night while Dash was sleeping, Scoots silently sneaked out of the mansion and walked slowly through the street. She found it after being in the Everfree Forest. The house seemed to be old and run down and the jeruk, orange filly wondered what happened to the owners of the house. when she climbed the fence she fell on the other side landing with a thud. ,"ow i guess i should be lebih careful" she whispered to herself. after saying that sounds of creaking were heard coming from inside the house....
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
 Con's new car
Con's new car
Con went to the CIE HQ after he got the call from Moneybit.

P: Hi Con
Con: Hello P. How is it going?
P: Not too good. Check the newspaper
Con: 24 Japanese ponies killed while trying to deliver supplies to South Korea.
P: We have found out that Steve Jobs is the one responsible for causing this mass murder.
Con: He's not even a pony. He's human!
P: I might also be human soon, so get this mission over with!
Con: Alright, does S have any gadgets for me?
P: Ja, go see him before anda leave.
Con: *goes to lab* S?
S: Right here Con.
Con: Oh hey, anda were behind me the whole time.
S: Yeah, uh listen I'm...
continue reading...
The last solstice

Chapter 8: Celestial monologues II.

What is this noise again? Something’s happening down there… The Guards are on alert.




She’s right, Tia. Luna will take care of it. You’re aman, brankas here.

But those are… changelings… they’re attacking the city!


Think about it! There’s nothing anda can do!

I am the Princess of the Sun! I…

continue reading...
posted by mariofan14
*This story is one of the things Lauren Faust wanted to see in the show, but never got to see. I hope this story will entertain anda all and make Faust herself happy.*

In the beginning of the universe created oleh the Goddess, she had found many things she had found as good. Blessing them all after she made all the things in the known universe, she thought about what to do next. "Maybe," she said, "I can create life that would acknowledge me and my works." She searched for a planet without life for a little bit, and when she found it, she started to give the planet life. Animals, plants, birds,...
continue reading...
One regular hari in Ponyville,Twilight was membaca a book. Suddenly she heard a knock on her door.
"Uhhh who could that be?" said,Twilight. "It's 8 in the morning!" Twilight opened her door and came in Pinkie Pie. "Hi Twilight! whatcha doin?" asked, Pinkie. "Trying to read a book!" replied, Twilight.
"Guess what?" Pinkie, responded. "What?"
"I made up a song!" "Oh no.." said, Twilight.

"When your sad, don't feel too bad, when your mad.. Soooo! don't cry, don't fly, maybe anda can smile! don't cry, don't fly, when your troubles are in doubles!!!!!! Soooo!! don't cry!!!!" sang, Pinkie. "Wow it's very catchy". said, Twilight.
"Well I gotta go Twilight, see ya!" Pinkie, said.

So Twilight continued her book. When suddenly.....

To be continued.............
posted by pinkmare
this will be my first my little pony crossover now here are characters
the mane six
twilight sparkle
apple jack
rainbow dash
pinkie pie
and the legendary warriors
takuya kanbara
mimi tachikawa
koji minamoto
zoe orimoto
j.p shibayama
tommy himi
koichi kimura
joyetta yuki
note bokomon , neemon and patamon will only make a cameo apprearence in the beginning ,they will only be absent for the rest of the story and will be mention oleh the legendary warriors.
now let's begin.

After the battle with cherubimon.the legendary warriors decided to take a little break and so they can prepare for the next...
continue reading...
Pinkamena Diane Pie,
You can call her Pinkie Pie.
She had a bright cute smile
and yet inside she was so vile.
Her landlords were bakers who made life sweet
and in their basement she kept a secret.
She kidnapped her friends one-by-one,
and in her basement they became undone.
Hearts and lungs filled with helium,
Intestine streamers, snd hideous taxidermies formed part of its gruesome decorum.
Dismembered bodies and bloody walls
Proved Pinkie's friends' great falls.
Live insects were shoved down their throat
If they dared to scream,
While those who cussed at her had their tounges
Ripped out at the seam.
continue reading...
 Our fantastic Pinkie Pie!
Our fantastic Pinkie Pie!
She would be:

For Skyrim: ... Cicero. Don't kill me. XD link

For The Office: Kelly. C: (The picture is so Pinkie Pie-ish. XD) link

For Warriors: Hm... maybe Squirrelflight? XD link

For 30 ROCK: Kenneth. XD 'Nuff said. link

For Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Chimecho. (No wiki, sorry.)

lebih shall com with time! :D
 Cicero, a jester... O_O (Look at the wiki for lebih details.)
Cicero, a jester... O_O (Look at the wiki for more details.)
 Kelly Kapoor, a hyper, slightly annoying sales representative.
Kelly Kapoor, a hyper, slightly annoying sales representative.
 Squirrelflight, a energetic and stubborn warrior.
Squirrelflight, a energetic and stubborn warrior.
 Kenneth, a cheerful and modest page.
Kenneth, a cheerful and modest page.
 Chimecho, a cook and an energetic, social Pokemon!
Chimecho, a cook and an energetic, social Pokemon!
posted by pikachu700
*opens front door* nope just Frozen bodys
*close door*
*opens 2 door*
all i see is darkness
*close 2 door*
*opens 3 door*
*close 3 door quickly*
me: e_e only two lebih doors?
*opens 4th door*
*bombs every about to explode*
ME:WTF *close door very quickly*
*opens 5th door* oh its just her bedroom me: Hey! a book (but it turns out a diary)
me: i should leave it alone
Pinkie pie: What are anda doing in my bedroom? *grabs a chainsaw*
to be continued atau is it???
Note: applejack is working

Applejack: let's see I needa clean mah room now
(rainbow dash come flying torwards AJ)
AJ: well howdy rainbow!
RD: yeah yeah hi.... So whatcha doing
AJ: I'm cleaning out mah room
RD: dude u needa chill why don't anda come to fluttershy's house
AJ: well I don't know....
(fluttershy comes flying to them)
AJ: howdy fluttershy!
FS: oh I'm sorry did I interrupted..... I should be going now
RD: wait fluttershy can we come over to your house with u
FS: I guess.... But please don't talk to loud in my house I don't wanna scare my little friends (pets)
RD: don't worry those binatang are...
continue reading...
posted by Dark-Armor
The Hunger Games for Ponyville had started Everybody
got ready.They all ran into the play area and they saw the Host which was Dark Armor he berkata the winner gets what ever they want everybody entered for a reason.Dark Armor berkata that he put weapons on the floor and also that acak enemies will come every Hour.Everybody ran to get weapons, and when they got there weapons they ran in different directions,Rarity fell in the mud and she got so angry cuz she hates it when she gets dirty, then she
saw a shadow it was the enemy that Dark Armor sent Rarity ran but she stopped cuz there were 4 of them...
continue reading...
posted by tinkerbell66799
We have seen the tales of the little fillies and their cutie marks. Three fillies. Specifically apel, apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. We have learned about their adventures to find their cutie marks. But this is a different time now. We have gone maybe 18 years into the future of Equestria. But we are not talking about all of Equestria. We are talking about a small town called Ponyville. Here is Sweet apel, apple Acres where we meet apel, apple Bloom and the rest of the apel, apple Family.
"Aww! I ain't NEVER gonna get my cutie mark!" apel, apple Bloom yelled to her honest and loyal sister Applejack. "I've been...
continue reading...
The young filly had enough, she grabbed a stool. And climbed to the puncak, atas shelf of the closet and grabbed a white box, inside was an empty revolver, a box of bullets, and an opened letter. She read the letter aloud to her friends:

Dear Braeburn, It has come to me and my soilders attention. That anda must elimanate any distractions from your task, I have enclosed a map on the bottom of this box. Please meet me at the highlited area before dark tonight.



"What do we do? Your Uncle is working for a possible terroist, and he berkata to eliminate any distractions. WE`RE` distractions."...
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The big stallion looked out at the setting son as it hit the horizon. He shed a tear, it had only been five days since Granny Smith passed. He had Applebloom under the care of his close friend Flutterhy, and now he hears that Ms.Cheerilee has lost her mind. He had no one, all he had was the apel, apple businesss. He tossed his freshly harvested apples into the basket. And walked over to the porch, Granny Smith`s burial was tomorrow. Maybe after that he could sell Sweet apel, apple Acres to some lucky buyer.

NO! He couldn`t give up his family`s memories, they dedicated they`re life to this beautiful farm....
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posted by Katie_Kat200
So.. it's been a while since I've updated... so here's the selanjutnya chapter.

Chapter 3

Twilight opened her eyes, trying to remember what had happened last night. Than she saw all the ponies crowded around what was left of her small bonfire. The ponies of Ponyville were crowded around her bonfire, waking up. There were clouds overhead, big and heavy, as if a rainstorm were to happen at any second.

“That’s strange… what made the light go down?” Twilight said. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning streaked the air and rain began to pour on the ponies. The last of the api went out and Twilight widened...
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Nopony had ever expected what would happen next, not even Princess Luna. She sat at the edge of her throne, "Dear Sister, hassath thou found my boots?" she stammered. Princess Celestia giggled, Luna smiled "What I`m just getting used to this modern language
all the other Ponies use." she walked over to her sister. They stared at the beautiful city of Canterlot, it was just past midnight. The time when Luna was indeed the happiest. She was just about to say something when the doors to the palace burst open. Celestia jumped, "Hurry, we have to leave no time to explain come on your highneses!"...
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posted by shadowknuxgirl
It was still early in the afternoon when they got back to Twilight's house. "Hey Twilight, do anda have any board games?" Applebloom asked. Twilight looked back at Applebloom and berkata "Sorry, no. Why do anda ask?" Applebloom's face grew into a frown,"Well, I was hoping we could do something together." Twilight thought for a few detik "How about-" But she was interupted oleh the young filly. "NOT organizing books." Applebloom berkata with annoyance. "Oh....well....." Twilight tried to think....but her mind was as blank as Applebloom's flank. *knock, knock* The door was knocking, and wouldn't stop...
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Hey, everypony, it's me again, and I want this to get of my mind, but first I have to tell anda something from the pelangi Dash episode.

I finally thought again what I wanted to tell about her.

5. Gilda may be RD's best friend, but I surely think she would publicity hmiliate her. I'm pretty sure of that! In the comic Dash Academy,- go look it up, it's on Deviantart! - Gilda makes Dash believe some acak Pegasus has written her that she was hot with her Wingboner, but it all came back that Gilda had wrote the note.

But now, about Gilda, our least favorit Griphon!

1. Okay, this is the first thing...
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 Princess Luna as a filly
Princess Luna as a filly
One day, when I was a filly, I went to my older sister, Celestia and asked her about our parents. She didn't respond at first. All she did was shake her head. Then she said,

"I'm afraid, sister, mother and father are...dead."

I just stood in the middle of our castle, in silence. Celestia always told me mother and father would always come back to us someday. It's like I've been living a lie my entire life! I was so filled with anger that I fled the room. And my sister never saw me again. For I had ran away from home. I couldn't live in a society where lies were blooming all around me. Who would...
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First I'd like to congratulate PhoenixRoyale for winning this month's judul of fan of the Month! :D

Q: When anda found out anda won the competition, how did anda react?
A: I felt like to squeal like a girl. XD

Q: Who is your favorit pony out of the Mane Six?
A: Fluttershy, because she is so adorable, and I like her Element of Harmony!

Q: Who is your favorit background/minor pony?
A: Octavia was my absolute favorite. She seems so civil and laid-back.

Q: How did anda get into My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
A: I find out through video of Let's Plays of Story of the Blanks, and saw Episode 21 of MLP;...
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