Leyton Family<3 Club
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
It's CELINE'S turn!

My favorit things about her:

1) She's so talented
- Celine is one of the most talented people I know. First, her icon and fanarts are to die for. I think my favorit is still the me/Robb ciuman icon she made me, because I think we can all agree that that was... Celine, do anda use magic in your fanarts/icons? Because that would be understandable. Anyway, yes, anda are the fanart/icon queen of the spot, there is no denying that. But your menulis is also incredible (way better than she'd ever admit herself), and it's one of my favorit things in the world to be menulis our fic with you! It's an amazing honor and I hope anda enjoy it as much as I do <3

2) She's dedicated
- Whether it's schoolwork atau icon atau anything, really, she makes sure everything is perfect and that she does it well. I remember that we had already planned our fanfic and we were very eager to write it, but Celine made sure I understood we couldn't start before her exams end, because she had to focus on them. And she did. And I'm sure she did amazingly on them. I have no doubt of that. So yes, Celine is one of the most dedicated, focused people I know.

3) She's caring
- I think Celine has a lot of compassion, which most people in this world do not have. And it's refreshing, and it's a great trait, because that's partly what makes her an amazing friend. anda can always go and talk to her and she will always listen and try to help you. She's done so with me on a few occasions, but let's face it, I'm too screwed up to be fixed at this point :P But the non-insane people she helps and makes them feel so much better, because that's just what our Celine does.

 One of the many characters that remind me of you!
One of the many characters that remind me of you!

4) She's so modest
- She never takes any credit for her icons, fanarts atau writing. I don't think even she understands how talented she is, but it's amazing. And I cinta her modesty, because that is really one of the things that makes her the Celine we all know and love. There is no unnecessary arrogance in her, and that's partly what makes her beautiful.

5) She's intelligent
- Damn right. She's really good in school, I've heard, and her intelligence shows in her life choices and her general comments/wallposts here on fanpop. She has a lot of common sense, but she's also booksmart, which is good, because intelligence is the best thing a person can have, honestly. She's going to do so great in her life, anda all just wait and see.

6) She's badass
- She never believes this, but I do. I hate it when people call her a sweetheart through and through, because I personally loathe the word "sweet". I think it reeks of weakness and the incapability to be independent (you guys I know I have my own ways of interpreting things) and Celine is none of those things. I'm sure none of anda think she is, either, but I personally could never use this word for anyone. But yeah, anyway, dude, anda are strong, and anda could kick anyone's ass. If not literally, then at least verbally. Even if anda are a princess, it doesn't mean you're not capable of taking care of yourself.

 The #1 actress to play anda <3
The #1 actress to play anda <3

7) She's brave
- And very strong. Celine has been through a lot in her life, but she's never complained about any of it, and she just keeps facing life and all the things in it with her head held high, and I know that her bravery's going to take her to so many great places. Never forget this quality that anda have. A lot of people are always gonna tell anda (not just you, but everyone) all the things anda can't do, but anda need to remember that anda CAN do all of it. And kill the shitheads for saying anything like that in the first place.

8) She's a great friend
- Celine is one of the people I trust most around here. She may not understand my insanity sometimes, even I don't, but she tries, and that's the main thing. I feel like everyone here loves her so much, and it's for a very good reason. There is no friend like Celine, and anyone should be so damn lucky to be her friend.

9) She's understanding
- This is a part of her being a great friend. So, yeah, sometimes I tell her stuff she might not agree with, but I can tell that she's trying not to judge me, because she just isn't that kind of a person. She is caring and she's selfless and she's a good judge of character, so I think that anda can safely go and talk to her about anything at all, and know that she'll try to help.

10) She's a princess
- Well, hah, duh! I cinta that you're into romance and princes and princesses and all that. I think that's great and I think a lot of girls these days try to convince themselves that these things don't interest them, to somehow seem badass atau independent atau something. anda don't have to be un-girly to be a strong woman, and Celine is an amazing example of that. She is that kind of a kick-ass princess who can do anything.
Ok, so all in all, Celine is amazing! Never change (except maybe reply to my PM's lebih often ;P cinta YOU!!!)

My headcanons for you:
Actress I imagine anda looking like: A slightly younger Natalie Portman
#1 actress to play you: Natalie Portman
#1 character/actor ship: Paul Wesley/Stefan Salvatore (ofc <3)
Character you're most like personality-wise & why: Padme Amidala. Okay, I know anda relate to Haley, and I relate her to anda 100%, but I just see anda so much as Padme with her incredible leadership skills, her kindness, her intelligence, her being a queen and all that. All of it reminds me of you, so she has to be my first choice for you.
You/Stefan:Time for the three headcanons!
- First I'm definitely gonna go with the ADF storyline, anda being Sleeping Beauty and Stefan being the prince and saving anda and anda two living happily ever after and being super adorable together. cinta it!!
- I can also see the relationship anda have in our fic, the trust, the romance, the super-duper cute cuteness anda have going on. That is always such fun for me to write, and I hope it's as much fun for anda to read!
- I can see anda two being childhood sweethearts and then just growing up together and falling in love. I know I've used this scenario before, but I can see it for a lot of ships. Besides, I can just picture Damon making jokes about anda two as anda have insane crushes on each other while growing up ;D

 Celine's man <33 (ofc Paul too, but only room for one icon ;P)
Celine's man <33 (ofc Paul too, but only room for one icon ;P)

Okayy, time to say your favorit things about Celine!!
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