Kairi & Sora What's your favorit sokai picture?

Pick one:
Sora(Halloween Town) and Kairi
For me
Kairi hugging sora
Sora and malaikat Kairi
Kairi and Sora papou buah-buahan
Sora and Kairi taking a nap
Young Kairi and Sora
Sora is a vampire
Sora and Kairi Romantic ciuman
Kairi and Sora sleeping
Hold On
Sora and Kairi Dancing
Sora and Kairi cinta
Sora and Kairi
Sora and Kairi Friendship
Sora and Kairi 4ever
Hold On 2
My detik Half Lives with Me 4Ever
Sora and Kairi Together 4Ever
Sora and Kairi Papou
Sora and Kairi ciuman
I can't decide all of them are so cute and sweet
 KairiNamine posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
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