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Ginga Densetsu Weed Pertanyaan

I'm confused here.......Is Kurojaki Alive?

I was watching episode 13 when i noticed one of the ninja anjing looked like him!!!! I need some help!!!!
im pretty sure its him, becuz his eye left is missing-like kurojaki. and in the manga, he looks VERY different, he's all burnt, and his eye is missing.
kyoushirosan posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
I wouldn't be that sure... And if his eye is missing it doesn't mean that that's Kurojaki... And the komik jepang is a different story. And if in the komik jepang the ninjadog is burnt, can't that be that that dog survived the burning? But that isn't Kurojaki! Tesshin calls him Elder and not father...+he tells weed that his father died!!!!
avpke posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Strange In the anime it says he's dead
Gin-Sama posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
 demon9056 posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
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Ginga Densetsu Weed Jawaban

avpke said:
Nope. He isn't.
The koga dog anda saw was the elder. Not Kurojaki.
Tesshin mentions once in GDW that his father died... But I don't know if it was before atau after he taught Weed the battouga.:S
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posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu 
I agree!
seuris posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
no he jumped into a burning iga house in gng
ScratchedPuppy posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
i didnt meant when Kurojaki died.. i meant i didnt know when Tesshin berkata this to Weed. lol
avpke posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
gingahowl said:
if anda didn't know,that dog is named Chourou which means elder.just check on gingasite.net and click ginga densetsu weed and click gallary and see the gallary for the anime
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AJ52 said:
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Jeromesan said:
No. Kurojaki died in GNG after Akame burned the Iga house.
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mujicek said:
He is dead ...
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