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Which Care beruang Are You?



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You are most like Champ Care Bear. Champ Care Bear is a real sports star. He's great at every sport, but he's even better at sharing the real prizes of sports which are fun, fitness, friendship and learning to be your best. He even shows this with his symbol which is a golden trophy with star.
His Caring Mission teaches people sportsmanship. The Champ Care Bear Symbol is a golden trophy. The symbol shows that you always win when you're a good sport. His Personality is confident and fair. His Character Quirk is that he's even good at games he's never played before. His Color is Blue. His Best Friend is Good Luck Bear. His Relationship Challenge is with Wish Bear, when she uses her wishes to change the rules in a game. His Motto is Playing fair makes the game more fun for everyone.
posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu.
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Katreader said:
You are most like Tenderheart Bear. Tenderheart is a loving and lovable bear who knows lots about helping others share their feelings. By helping people show they care, Tenderheart Bear helps spread love and make it grow. He wears the perfect symbol for his job on his tummy a heart.
His Caring Mission shows people how to care. His Symbol in the shape of a heart represents his famous loving care. His personality is caring and kind. His Character Quirk is that he's a real daredevil in any vehicle from a skateboard to a cloudmobile. His color is Brown.His Best Friend is Grumpy Bear. His Relationship Challenge is helping Funshine Bear know when it's the wrong time to joke. Motto is Nobody cares like a bear.

My only complaint is that the site has tons of pop ups.

posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu.
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You are most like Funshine Bear. Funshine Bear is the Care Bear's class clown. This playful bear really knows how to be funny and to have fun. Funshine Bear works hard to make sure that people have a good time. Enjoy each day is Funshine's motto and it's shown on the bear's symbol a smiling sun.
His Caring Mission helps people have fun. His smiling sun symbol reminds us to find the fun in each new day. His Personality is Fun and funny. His Character Quirk is that he can do perfect impressions and sound effects. His color is Yellow. His Best Friend is Grumpy Bear. His Relationship Challenge is with Share Bear, he teases her constantly but has a secret crush on her. Motto is The fun starts here.
posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu.