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posted by blackpanther666
(Raijin sat up, having pushed himself to the limits again; he had spent days on end doing push ups and sit ups, training his body to the absolute max. It wasn't exactly surprising - ever since he had been rescued, and had killed Arrancar Ichigo, he had been a different person; he had never exactly been talkative, but now it was like he couldn't find words anymore, a strange resolution that words could never undo the terrible things he had witnessed in his short life. Raijin was almost reaching the mature age of 300, but it felt like he had been through a thousand years of hardships, since his revival and escapade to the Soul Society. However, that was now all moot; Raijin was now out for two things: to retrieve his powers from 'Him' and to destroy Sosuke Aizen as a person. It was ironic that they were hiding out in Hueco Mundo, because Raijin theorised that Aizen should have felt Ichigo's reiatsu disappear and Raijin's flare in rage.)

Raijin: Yo, Gaishima, anda gonna train, atau what?

Gaishima: I don't need to. I'm not planning on fighting any time soon.

Raijin: Hmmph. Slacker.

Gaishima: Hey! That's not nice, we saved your ass.

Raijin: I berkata thanks. Nothing to do with training though.

Gaishima: anda know, those are the most words you've spoken to me since anda returned from that fight anda had.

Raijin: Yeah?

Gaishima: Yeah. What's up with you, anyway? anda never speak to me, anymore. I thought we were at least acquaintances...

Raijin: ....

Gaishima: Come on, at least say something.

Raijin: LIke what?

Gaishima: I don't know, just reassure that anda are okay, hidden away in that 'shell' of yours.

Raijin: Fine. No, I'm not okay... Can we just leave it at that?

Gaishima: Okay, okay. Tell anda what, if anda can just be at ease with me, then I'll train with you. How does that sound?

Raijin, sighing: Okay, fine. I'll be 'at ease' with you, if anda train with me.

Gaishima: Great! Let's go. Shikai Vs. Shikai?

Raijin: No. We should both train with our sealed weapons. That will increase both our stamina. Right now, anda are stronger than me... anda can call on your God, but I can't. Bankai for Bankai and Shikai for Shikai, we may very well be equal, but as soon as anda use your Manifestation, that is where we stop.

Gaishima: I see your point. Okay, sealed weapons for now.

(Gaishima took his stance. Raijin stood in the same position as he was before, looking stern, as always. Gaishima drew his Zanpakuto, Shishira. Raijin suddenly grinned eerily, lloking delighted to be fighting again. Gaishima shrugged his shoulders and disappeared, appearing behind Raijin and swiping eagerly at him. Raijin barely even turned, but parried the blow expertly and making his own attack. Gaishima caught the blade with his hand, stopping the strike, causing an explosion of air rushing behind him... Raijin gaped, staring at the blade in Gaishima's hands, then snarled, as Shishira cut into his shoulder, drawing a spray of blood. Raijin shunpoed and forced his blade forward, bulling Gaishima backwards and causing him to go sliding. Gaishima jumped upwards, spinning his body around and smashed his Zanpakuto into Raijin's, causing an explosion of reiatsu and sparks issuing outwards.)

Raijin, panting: anda are much tougher than anda look, Gaishima.

Gaishima: As are you, Raijin. I didn't expect your reactions to be so well-tuned.

Raijin: well, now anda know...

-[Meanwhile, in Las Noches Palace]-

Aizen: For the last seven days, there has been a semi-familiar spirit energy detected on the deserts of Hueco Mundo. I'm sure anda will recognise that reiatsu, Raiden! Anyway, my orders are for one of anda to take care of him for once and for all. Who is going to volunteer?

Raiden: I will, Lord Aizen.

Aizen: No. anda had your chance and anda failed me. Ulquiorra, I'll leave this one up to you. As anda all know, Ichigo Kurosaki had been experimented upon oleh me and Commander Hisagi; it was known to me that Ichigo's power was almost equal to Starrk there... If Raiden couldn't defeat the Rogue Shinigami, then we need Ulquiorra, the Primera Espada, to defeat him.

Ulquiorra: Very well, Lord Aizen... I shall take care of your request. If any of anda get my way, I will kill you.

(Ulquiorra sonidoes, disappearing with a flash of energy)

Aizen: Hisagi, suppress your reiatsu and follow him. If he fails, take care of the Rogue. Ulquiorra is my strongest Espada, but I won't tolerate failure. I won't be angry. I won't destroy you. But, if anda fail me, then I'll be very disappointed.

-[Hueco Mundo Desert]-

Raijin: What's that?

Gaishima: Reiatsu... Shit, an Espada. Let's go!

Raijin: There's no point. A reiatsu of that magnitude, we won't be able to escape. Shit, he's here already.

(Ulquiorra appeared in the middle of the sky, then sped at Raijin, drawing his Zanpakuto in the process, and smashed it violently in Raijin's half-drawn Zanpakuto. Even in his sealed form, the Espada was intensely strong, and Raijin found himself sliding backwards from the force of the strike. Raijin parried the blade away from his face, and stopped himself oleh grinding his feet into the ground and coming to a complete halt, then he pushed himself forwards and struck an intense blow at the Espada.)

Raijin: Just who the hell are you?!

Espada: I could ask the same of you, Shinigami, except I know who anda are. anda are the Rogue Shinigami, Raijin Masamune. Aizen's orders are to destroy you, so that is exactly what I'll do.

Raijin: That doesn't answer my question. However, just knowing anda are one of Aizen's lackeys is enough. I'll be the one to destroy you! I killed Ichigo Kurosaki in Resurreccion form. Do anda compare to that, Espada?

Espada: anda are a sentimental fool. Once upon a time, Ichigo Kurosaki and I crossed blades... He died.

(Raijin's eyes widened and the Espada took the opportunity to to direct a strong blow at him. Raijin's eyes hardened and his reiatsu flared. The burst of reiatsu aided Raijin long enough to smash the Espada backwards and slice into his shoulder. A tiny red mark appeared, a testiment to the strength of an Espada's Hierro.)

Espada: anda have good reiatsu. Unfortunately, that means that anda are even lebih of a threat to me and I'll have to become serious now. Are anda ready for that?

Raijin: Damn right! Bastard, think anda can frighten me off with words??!!

Espada: I have no intention of 'frightening anda off with words'. I have a job to do and that is to kill you... Anything else would be foolish and presumptious of you. However, since I know anda are going to die, I'll let anda in on a little secret. I am Ulquiorra Cifer, Number One Espada of Aizen's Arrancar Army. Your life ends here, Shinigami.

(Ulquiorra raised his green reiatsu, which flared around him, sending shimmers through the sky and forced Raijin into the sand, creating an impression where they both stood. Raijin desperately tried to keep the blade from striking him, but was unsuccesful, as the blade slid past his face, drawing a cut and a straight line of blood began to flow down his cheek. Raijin disappeared, reppearing in the sky, then merpati down at Ulquiorra and sliced at him.)

Raijin: Haretsu!

(Ulquiorra disappeared in a blast of electricity, which caused a massive awan of dust, smoke and sand to appear. When it cleared away, Ulquiorra was standing there, his chest sliced partially open and blood openly flowing down.)

Ulquiorra, breathing hard: It appears that anda are much stronger than I originally gave anda credit for. However, it won't help anda to stand there looking victorious at cutting me; of all of the Espada, I am the only one that can regenerate. In this form my regenerative powers are miniscule, but it is enough for me to recover from minor injuries like this.

Raijin: So, another sneaky trick? I don't believe in crap like that! I'll keep fighting, even if my injuries cause my death... I'll never give up!

Ulquiorra: Then you'll die.

Raijin: Not likely. anda haven't seen anything yet... Strike from the thunderous realms above, Ajisukita!

(Raijin's reiatsu flared grey and the skies started to go a light-grey colour, clouds beginning to form above them. Gradually Raijin's Zanpakuto changed into a longer, slimmer sword, with a black/blue blade and a long tassel dangling off the end. Once the Shikai formed, the clouds above began to shoot bolts of lightning at Ulquiorra, who dodged them. He didn't get far, before Raijin appeared in front of him, his blade raised and he disappeared, appearing behind Ulquiorra with his blade pointed forwards. Ulquiorra turned to look at where Raijin had gotten to, when a large spray of blood spurted from out of his shoulder and back. His first wound still hadn't healed yet, though it had long since ceased to bleed.)

Ulquiorra: Your speed increased. How intriguing... anda have interesting powers, Raijin Masamune. I think it is time to tampil anda my Resurreccion. Follow me.

(Ulquiorra leapt in to the air and rose far above the deserts. Raijin followed him, catching up swiftly, his new-found speed aiding him. When they both came to a halt, Raijin found that the Espada was looking at him, his cold, green eyes emotionless, as they had been throughout the whole battle.)

Ulquiorra: Do anda know what my Truth is, Shinigami?

Raijin: An odd question, but interesting nonetheless. No, I do not.

Ulquiorra: My Truth is emptiness. I feel no emotion whatsoever. anda know it is true. I saw that reflect in your eyes just then. How does it feel... to know that the man anda are fighting has no emotion at all, no mercy, no sympathy, no sadness... I will be your undoing, Shinigami. Enclose, Murcielago.

(A huge awan of reiatsu, in the form of a wave burst forth and swallowed the Espada up; it pulsated wildly, growing larger and larger, then suddenly it dissipated into the skies and drops of reiatsu splattered all over the deserts and all around Raijin. The reiatsu was intense, like a massive wave had just broken and all of its energy had disappeared in the blast, transferred to some unknown. Raijin could feel it, it was heavy and dense and at a level that he had scarcely even felt before. While amazing, it was also terrible, of a magnitude so great, that even Raiden's 100% energy didn't even come close. Then he re-emerged, his black wings stretched out behind him and his tail twitching in the moonlight. He was horrifying, a demon of the utmost terrifying kind and seemingly aboslute in power.)

Ulquiorra: This is it. anda waited for this and now it is here. I can see the fear in your eyes...

Raijin: What is this... reiatsu? What are you?

Ulquiorra: I am Ulquiorra Cifer, Primera Espada and this is my Resurreccion, Murcielago.

(Raijin shivered unconsciously, suddenly taking note of another huge reiatsu near them. He felt Gaishima's reiatsu flare and then the two other reiatsu's clashed wildly, one reiatsu cold and dense, the other huge and strong.)

Ulquiorra: Why is he here? I thought I berkata I didn't need assistance... Oh well, I suppose nothing can be done now. Anyway, back to anda Shinigami. It is time to tampil anda why I am the Primera.

(Ulquiorra disappeared, before Raijin could move, his head was forced down, careening wildly into the sands below. A massive upshot of sand burst upwards and Raijin stood shakily, his resistance to the massive reiatsu already fading. Raijin lifted his Zanpakuto into the sky and raised his reiatsu, until it was flaring around him like wild-fire. The clouds rumbled and lightning began to strike again, and several blasts of lightning struck his blade. The Zanpakuto glowed blue, an slight aura blooming around it, until it flashed and Raijin dragged it down and pointed it at Ulquiorra, his eyes flashing and his resolve renewed.)

Raijin: Hiraishin: Kamikaze!

(A peculiar, blue light issued forth from his gleaming Zanpakuto and a blast began to form from the tip of the blade, a yellow and blue energy that shimmered in the air around them. Raijin's reiatsu finally burst upwards and around, flaring like a massive beacon of grey light, with blue flashes and yellows sparks through it. The blast finally burst forth and disappeared suddenly. Ulquiorra's eyes widened. The blast reappeared right in front of him, but Ulquiorra raised his finger.)

Ulquiorra: Cero!

(The Cero formed in his finger and then blasted into the blast of lightning energy. The two forces exploded into a massive dome of green energy, mixed with yellow/blue energy. Ulquiorra reappeared behind Raijin and sliced into his arm, then disappeared again and this time slashed Raijin's chest open. Blood burst ouut of the massive cut and Raijin fell backwards, landing, with a bang onto the sand below him.)


Gaishima: Just who are you? I don't know your reiatsu signature...

Mysterious man: My name is Shuuhei... Shuuhei Hisagi.

Gaishima: Hold on, your name seems familiar...

Shuuhei: I was once a Captain of the Gotei 13. I was banished, so now I work for Sosuke Aizen. I am his Army-Commander.

Gaishima: So, a former Captain, eh? That is rather unfortunate for you, isn't it...

Shuuhei: How so?

Gaishima: Because anda don't know who I am atau what my power is. But, the unfortunate part is what my power is...

Shuuhei: And that is?

Gaishima: Like I'm really going to tell you. What a foolish thing to ask. You'll find out my power when I release it! Begin your vehemous onslaught of winter, Shishira!

(A massive blast of reiatsu formed around Gaishima and his Zanpakuto lengthened to a point. Finally, he moved with cepat, swift speed, bringing his Zanpakuto ,with a clash, smashing into Shuuhei's. The reiatsu around him, and Shuuhei's reiatsu, clashed together and resulted in a massive explosion. Once the explosion dissipated, both fighters had scratches on their faces and some blood trickling down their chins.)

Gaishima: anda are quite strong, Shinigami, however, I would recommend that anda use your Shikai now, otherwise anda will regret it.

Shuuhei: Normally I wouldn't an enemie's advice... However, this time is different. There is something about your power that I don't like.

Gaishima: This is only the watered down version of my Shikai... Being partners with Shishira has brung me powers that even Aizen could only dream of obtaining. Unfortunately for him, I am not about to reveal my secrets to you... If oleh some miracle anda survive, then you'll be able to tell him them. Instead, I will eventually tampil anda my Bankai, then, with it, will come my true power.

Shuuhei: I have no idea what are anda are talking about. It doesn't matter; just because I don;t like soimething about your power, doesn't mean that I am going to give up all of a sudden. anda have no idea of my true power, either.

Gaishima: It would be better for anda if anda did. However, anda are wrong there... I have an fair idea of what your true power is. I know what item Aizen possesses... That being the Hogyoku. I gather he used it on anda and gave anda Hollow powers. That doesn't bode well for you, I'm afraid. My power is not something that can be comprehended oleh a Shinigami with Hollow powers. Even Aizen should be wary of me.

Shuuhei: Cannot be comprehended oleh me, anda say. I'll make anda eat those words. Reap, Kazeshini.

(An explosion of reiatsu and a moment later brough an interesting sight for Gaishima. The man before him was holding two lethal weapons, both with two blades, each pointing away from each other. Both weapons had long, sleek handles, that were about a meter long each. They were connected oleh a chain, though how long it was, Gaishima was unsure of yet. Shuuhei disappeared and appeared before him, leaping wildly, but with tacit concentration. Gaishima dodged the head-on attack, sweeping his Zanpakuto at Hisagi's head and then flung a wave of ice at the other man. Hisagi dodged it and flung the first blade at him, then disappeared. Gaishima avoided it and jumped upwards, then continued to ascend, until the other man reappeared. Hisagi swung the blade around, sending it careening into Gaishima's Zanpakuto and knocking him backwards. Gaishima forced his body downwards, then disappeared once more, trying to find his opponent, when suddenly the bother blade cut righ through his left shoulder, drawing a ribbon of blood. Gaishima turned to see Hisagi leering at him. Gaishima grinned back at him and flared his reiatsu, a cold barrage of dense reiatsu, that flared an icy-white/blue colour and burst around him; even this reiatsu appeared to have icicle shapes riddled throughout, proving the strength of his Shikai and Zanpakuto. Gaishima smirked at the look on Shuuhei's face from witnessing the reiatsu and then disappeared once more. When he reppeared, his Zanpakuto was pointed straight at Hisagi.)

Gaishima: Kongouseki Chiri.

(A massive awan of icy dust flew right into Shuuhei's path and he tried to avoid it, but was a membagi, split detik too late and he faded amongst the gleaming and glittering crystals of ice. The awan lingered for a time, then suddenly vanished, leaving behind a bewildered Hisagi, with several cuts on his arms, face and shoulder.)

Shuuhei: What... was that?

Gaishima: An ability of my Shikai. It separates the particles of water in the atmosphere, flash-freezes them and then hardens the ice with my reiatsu. The lebih reiatsu I put out, the harder and sharper the crystals become.

Shuuhei: anda remind me of someone... I can't quite recall who, though. Oh wait, I remember now. Toshiro Hitsugaya... he had abilities similar to yours, though they also had some major differences.

Gaishima: anda mean Captain-Commander Hitsugaya, the one who banished Raijin?

Shuuhei: Yes, that is the guy.

Gaishima: It was his fault that Raijin got abducted.

Shuuhei: Abducted?

Gaishima: Oh, right, anda don't need to know about that. Anyway, I've had enough playing around. tampil me your Bankai. I'll do the same.

Shuuhei: Very well... I suppose it can't be helped. Bankai!

Gaishima: Sorry, Shishira, but anda can come out and play soon enough... I can't waste much lebih time, otherwise this guy will get antsy. Bankai!

(Two contrasting colours of reiatsu burst high into the sky, one light-green/blue and the other a cold-white/blue colour. The heavens ruffled and battered, began to slowly respond. Hisagi's Zanpakuto changed rapidly, the chain lengthening oleh two times, the blades on each side growing longer, slimmer and curving more. Gaishima, oleh contrast suddenly gained ice armour on his torso. The skies suddenly darkened further from what they had done with Raijin's Shikai and snow and hail began to fall rapidly. Hisagi stared up at the dark-grey clouds, intrigued oleh its immense power and response.)

Gaishima: Ekijou Kaishin...

Hisagi: Ukiyo Kariageru!

(The two clash with their Bankais. Hisagi fired a blast of air at Gaishima, who merely slashed at it with his Zanpakuto, causing the air to freeze, expand and then explode before hitting him. Through the awan of steam and smoke, Hisagi sped at Gaishima, his Zanpakuto trailing around and behind him, then he leapt upwards and flung both blades at Gaishima, who span in a circular motion freezing everything around him in a circular motion. The spinning blades of Hisgai's weapon got clogged up with ice and suddenly stopped, bringing Hisagi crashing downwards. Shuuhei stopped himself and shunpoed in front of Gaishima, letting off a large, grey Cero at him. Gaishima didn't even bother to pindah and let the blast hit him square in the chest. When Gaishima emerged, the only damage seen to him was that of a large crack in the ice armour and a thin line of blood on his forehead, with burn marks scattered around it. Gaishima looked solemn and pointed his Zanpakuto at Hisagi and fired a barrage of small icicles at the other man, who dodged each one expertly, then swung his blade around, which smashed into Gaishima's arm. Luckily for the pseudo-shinigami, the ice armour had begun to form around his arm too, and took the brunt of the damage, but it still caused a grunt of pain. Gaishima made as if to leap at the other man and attack him, but was stopped suddenly, as a large blast of air/wind blew him backwards. Upon contact with him, the rushing air began to freeze and it wasn't long before Gaishima escaped from the blast, which finally came crashing down to the ground. Around, the landscape had begun to freeze and snow and ice was piling up from the snow and hail. Hisagi began to notice that the temperature had dropped drastically and he could see his breath escaping from his mouth in large blasts. Hisagi looked at Gaishima.)

Shuuhei: Your Bankai is certainly impressive, young man.

Gaishima: I am not as young as anda think. I have probably been alive for much longer than you. How old are you?

Shuuhei: I have been in the Soul Society for about 630 years and would be considered to be beyond a mature age... Older than me, anda say?

Gaishima: I have been alive for thousands of years, anda young fool. So presumptuous...

Shuuhei: Thousands of years...?

Gaishima: I may not look it, but that is correct. It is during fights like these that my true age finally begins to show... Normally, I masquerade as a youngster, when, in reality, I am anything but. In fact, I knew that I knew anda from somewhere, because I have met anda before... I used to know your former Captain-Commander, though we were anything but close.

Shuuhei: anda knew... Genryusai Yamamoto?

Gaishima: Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto, the first ever appointed Castain, the founder of Shino Academy and the former Captain-Commander... his daftar of feats are extraordinary...

Shuuhei: anda lie!

Gaishima: What would I have to gain oleh lying, young one?

Shuuhei: I don't know! Who cares... Just fight me.

Gaishima: Fine, have it your way... But, anda will regret it.

Shuuhei: Kyuushuu Shuuha...

(A wave of reiatsu and air formed around Hisagi and billowed toward Gaishima at an incredible pace. Gaishima avoided it easily and leapt towards Hisagi, but was suddenly drawn backwards oleh an incredible force. The suction drew him in and began to rip at his skin, gouging out ice from his armour. Gaishima sighed in frustration and his reiatsu surged outwards, freezing the suction instantly and causing it to fall to the ground, shattering instantly. Hisagi snarled and fired another grey Cero at Gaishima, striking him before he could move. When he came back into view, he was bleeding profusely and he looked as though he was beginning to feel weary from use of reiatsu. Hisagi saw his chance and took it, bringing the two blades around in an arc, which smashed into Gaishima, breaking off lebih of the ice on his armour and sending him crashing to the ground. oleh now, Hisagi was panting hard, his reiatsu usage also been high. He flared his reiatsu again and fired several lebih blasts of wind, which found their target and caused lebih explosions to result around Gaishima. Finally, Gaishima reppeared, also panting slightly.)

Gaishima: Even for a youngster, anda are a tough, little bastard.

Shuuhei: I could say the same about you, old man.


(Raijin pushed himself up, the fighting beginning to take a toll on him. He could see that Gaishima and the other man were still fighting. Suddenly, Ulquiorra dived at him and made as if to grab him and hurl him bodily away. Raijin thrust his Zanpakuto forwards and managed to just scratch Ulquiorra's Hierro. Ulquiorra turned and came back again, this time generating a green lance in one hand and swung it at Raijin in full force. Raijin countered and parried the lance, fighting for his life.)

Raijin: Screw this! Bankai.

(A blast of massive grey/yellow/blue reiatsu burst upwards into the clouds, generating a calm spot for a moment, then reiatsu reflected, separating into large pillars of light, that came crashing back down to the ground, exploding around Ulquiorra. Raijin emerged with a Zanpakuto, that was similar to his Shikai, but had a long chain, with a lightning bolt attached to the end. The skies, which had further darkened from Gaishima's Bankai, began to darken even more, finally appearing almost pitch black and lightning began to strike at Ulquiorra once more, who continually dodged each strike. Raijin grinned and re-directed a bolt of lightning at Ulquiorra, who didn't quite manage to dodge in time and was struck oleh the lightning, which exploded around him. Swiftly, Raijin fashioned a cage from lightning energy around Ulquiorra, trapping him inside. Suddenly Ulquiorra burst out of the cage, his green reiatsu pulsating wildly.)

Ulquiorra: Cero Oscuras!

(The green and black blast struck Raijin out of nowhere, forcing him towards the ground at an incredible speed. With tenacity, Raijin used his Zanpakuto to cut through the blast, and sent it behind him.)

Ulquiorra: anda managed to deflect a Cero Oscuras. Congratulations. anda just surpassed all of the Espada, bar myself.

Raijin: From what I can tell, my final Bankai may have even surpassed you, too.

Ulquiorra: I'm afraid not. This is only my first form. Resurreccion: Segunda Etapa.

(A massive wave of reiatsu, green and black, washed over them both, sending Raijin crashing into the sand. Finally, Ulquiorra emerged, his form completely different. Instead of trailing white robes, Ulquiorra looked as though he had become one with a demon of terrifying proportions and his horns had become longer, larger and lebih curved. But, what frightened him the most, was the upgrade in speed that Ulquiorra showed. This time it felt as though Raijin could barely even breath. Suddenly, the force from Ulquiorra came crashing down on him, the green lance exploding violently on puncak, atas of him, with such a force that everywhere was consumed, even Gaishima and Shuuhei had to avoid the radius of the blast. Raijin stood, blood dripping from his mouth and his body feeling half-dead - it was as though he could barely even pindah in the presence of the Espada.)

Raijin: Damn you, anda bastard! I w-won't... LOSE!!!

Ulquiorra: anda already have...
added by LidiaIsabel
added by LidiaIsabel
added by Lisseth
added by Lisseth
added by Lisseth
added by Lisseth
added by Lisseth
added by Lisseth
 Single cover
Single cover
Lyrics by: Shindo Haruichi
Composed by: Okano Akihito
Arranged by: ak.homma, Porno Graffitti

Credit: link


Koyoi, tsuki wa doko o terasu no? Atsui kumo ni oowareta sora
Koyoi, kimi wa dare ni dakarete iru no ka ame ni hitori nakou ka

Subete o wakariaeru to omoi kitai nado shita jibun o hajireba
Dazai o te ni okujou ni agari kono yo nado wa to ureite miseru
Sora ni tsuba o haitara jibun ni kakatta

Tabibito kidori de itai kuse ni mayoimichi mawarimichi ga kirai de
Amekaze shinogeru yane no shita de guuguru kensaku de sekai o miru
Kimi ni todokazu ai no kotoba

Koyoi, tsuki wa doko o terasu no? Atsui...
continue reading...
i took 1 step then i heard someone call my name.i lookd behind my shoulder and my eyes widend
"amezuki-chan!!! heyy anda ok?!!!!",princess sora yelled.i was shocked.i dropped to my knees and princess sora skidded over to me on her knees.
"hey,hey,HEY! amezuki-chan!!! wake up!" i couldnt pindah anything atau speek.she hugged me and said
"i know your innocent,and im gonna prove it too!"
"b-but why....i-i dont-" princess sora cut me off.
"your aman, brankas thats all that matters..." i could see tears forming in her eyes.i also notices her necklace. it had the charm i made her when we were kids on it.i had the same...
continue reading...

Volta wakes up not knowing where she is and looks around the room...she lets out a highpitch screem.


Toshiro and the other captins of the 13 court guard squads look at her.Toshiro walks over to her.

Toshiro: anda screem so utterly loud anda know that?!

Volta gets up and curb stomps him.

Volta: Quit talking...unless anda wanna bleed...

She walks outside and all the squads are there.The captins all walk outside.

Yamamoto: So child are anda going to resist any further?

Volta: Listen old man... I only wanna find a way halaman awal .I didnt...
continue reading...
added by RAICAL
added by RAICAL
added by RAICAL
added by RAICAL
added by peteandco
Source: zerochan
added by Cooked
added by LidiaIsabel
added by RAICAL